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Author: *dies*


"Quake!!!!!!!!!!!!...." He yelled loudly as Quake was slam by a near by tree.....Quakes head was bleeding badly and his other siblings were all unconscious....

He and his siblings were just hanging out with fang and then they were attack by a monster that brings people through the darkness...

The monster grows stronger when someone felt pain..guilt and hatred....ice and blaze were unconscious for over using their powers..which of course it has no effect to the monster....Thunder and cyclone were badly injured because the monster drag them to the darkness and thorn and solar had to save them...

He struggle to get away from the black bubble that was on his body...That bubble was his darkness....

The monster laugh evilly as he watch the scene beneath him..he look at the purple-haired boy who was watching his friends suffer..

"Do you feel pain?...do you see what happened to your friends?..your pathetic...you can't do anything to save them...how weak..... All I could feel inside you was the pain...Your hatred...and it only makes me stronger and easier to drag you into darkness..." The Monster said and laugh again as he watch fang shake his head trying to ignore what the monster said....Fang open his eyes to look at quake who was coughing blood...

"Quake!!!!!!!!!!...." He yelled loudly and quake look at him then smile.....Fang widen his eyes as quake summon his Golem and then launch forward to fight the monster again....

"I won't let you take him!!! I will fight till the end!!!!!.....I will keep going as long as I have some breath left in my body!!!!.....I will keep fighting!!!!!!!!....." Quake yelled and use his golem to attack the monster but it had no effect at all....the monster laugh loudly and finish quake by smashing his golem and send quake flying to the sky....

The monster summon his blade and prepare to slice quake...

"DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...." Fang yelled and the bubble swallow him up.....the monster swing his sword but quake dodge it quickly and swim to the bubble to find fang....

"Fool!!!!!!!......you will die!!! Both of you will!!!!...." The monster roared and the bubble got bigger...

Quake look all around but everything he saw was pitch black....It was starting to get hard too because he can't breath.... Inside the bubble was like a water....But it was a different water...When you swim or move..it will steal your strength...

"I gotta hurry.....his waiting for me.." Quake though and swim to look for fang...His strength was getting weaker by the second but he just shrug it off....

"Why did it end up like this?...is this the day when I will die?..I don't want to be buried in my hatred...I don't want any of this...someone save me....but who will?......................Quake...." Fang was in the middle of the bubble and he can't move because some black vines was wrapping around his body........ His body felt weak and finally....he give up and close his eyes.....

"Fang..... Where are you?!?!...." Quake swim and swim until he saw a purple-haired boy with glasses that was hanging lifelessly.....With all his strength left he swim towards fang and cup his cheek....

"Fang.....I'm sorry.....Maybe this is the last time I get to see you.....I'm sorry......." Quake lean in and kiss fang to let his breath go to fang....his body suddenly felt weak and tears flow down on his face as he let go of fang and let himself drown....

"I love you......thank you..... Farewell....." And with that quake close his eyes....

"So warm....did someone finally save me?....eh?...why did the warmth leave my body?...what...I feel something on my lips....huh..." Fang open his eyes and look down to see quake going deeper and deeper in the bubble....

"Quake!!!!!!...." He break away from the black vines and swim towards quake while reaching his hand...

"No....please...Don't die.....no....I won't let you die!!!!!!.......Even though I felt so much hatred...I feel love....Im not alone.... I love you quake!!!! So please...........Live!!!!!!!!....." Fangs body glow and the bubble starts to disappear.....when he finally got close to quake..he quickly hug him and held him tightly...

"If your there for me....I'm here for you....." Fang kiss quake passionately while crying...Suddenly the bubbles disappear and they were falling......but fang quickly use his powers and they landed safety on the ground..... The monster had already disappeared and the other siblings were okay....fang look at quake and shake him gently....

"Ehm..." Quake open his eyes and let them adjust to the light...he smile when he saw fangs face and hug him tightly....they stayed like that for awhile and quake use his hand to caress fangs cheek and he lean in..capturing the lips of his beloved....

Fang didn't even hesitate to kiss back...quake pull away while smiling...

"Guess what?..... I love you too.." He said and press his lips on fangs once more....loving the taste of his 'lover'


I'm sorry if this is too short!!...but hey...Now that I know what's a 'lemon' is..I'm taking request from the readers....•_•...

Well anyway.....this is requested by my senpai!!
HarruTsubasa05!! ^^

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