chapter 8

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I stood at the edge of the forest in wolf form, nervously sniffing the air. The wolf from Jake's pack, Justin, nudged my shoulder as I stood there, frozen. However, when I didn't move, He stepped into the yard first, throwing his head back and howling at the house. Barely a moment later, werewolves of all ages were pouring out the door, smiling and cheering for Justin's return. However, they fell silent with nervous anticipation as my brother approached him. Justin crouched and shifted, quickly pulling on the shorts he had tied around his ankle. Then the rest of us waited with bated breath. We didn't wait long.

"Did you find her?" Jake asked, and Justin nodded. The cheers started up again, but they died when they realized I wasn't there. Jake sighed,"She didn't come."

"Actually, alpha," Justin corrected,"she did. She's just too shy to come out." Most of the pack laughed at that, including my brother. But it was true, so I restrained the urge to growl.

Then Jake announced, hands spread wide,"Laney, wherever you are, you are an idiot!"

This time I did growl, and I stalked out of the trees and straight to him. I halted when I was almost nose-to-nose with him, seeing the triumph in his eyes and realizing I'd fallen right into his trap. Now I was scared, though. I started to whimper and slink back to the trees, ignoring the confused faces around me, but I was stopped when my big brother looped his arm around my neck, effectively holding me still.

"Lane, stop," he commanded, and I did out of curiosity. Then my brother, the alpha, continued,"There is no way you are leaving your pack behind again." I looked up at him, confused, and he smiled at me. Then I realized he'd said "your pack," and my big wolfy tail started wagging as I gave my great big brother's cheek a great big....lick!

Laughter erupted around us as Jake released me and tried to wipe my drool off his face! I shook with rumbling laughter at the expression on his face as he cried out,"Gross! Laney, that is disgusting! And..." He trailed off before looking at me and finishing,"I'll take it if this means you'll stay."

I looked around at the wolves surrounding me, most of them nodding encouragingly. But could I do this? Free myself of one organization just to plant myself in another? However, with another look around me, I realized this wasn't an organization. It was a family. Something I'd been missing my whole life.

And so, decision made, I looked back to my brother's hopeful face. And I nodded, accepting a new life.

As I stumbled into the long red dress, I cursed my brother for making me do this. I'd been in his pack for three days and I already had to go to a ball?! And it was supposed to be optional, for god's sake! But nooooo, I had to make Jake look good by joining the rest of the newly turned teens and going to this stupid dance. Oh, sorry, I meant official ball. Note the sarcasm.

Sighing, I finally zipped up the monstrosity and looked in the mirror. "It could be worse," I muttered,"But not by much."

The strapless silk dress was medium red, the color of the streak I'd dyed in my now-light-blond hair, which was in a high bun, and the dress was floor-length. It had a fitted bodice and flowed from my hips to the floor. It had a black halfway see-through cover-like fabric on the skirt that gave the lower half of the dress a sort of shimmer that brought out the dark flecks in my blue eyes. The flats that went with the dress matched the skirt and had a black bow on the toe. The dress showcased my coloring and body that were a mix of genes and hard workouts in the gym.


"Jake is so gonna pay for this," I huffed as I grudgingly made my way to the front, where he and the limos meant to take him, me, and all the other ball-goers to the dumb dance would be waiting. When I walked out the front door after a steadying breath, I tried to ignore the stares and walked straight to my brother.

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