chapter 15

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For a moment, the vampire and I just stared at each other. Then he spluttered,"You're a-but you-and-but-How?!"

"My dad was a werewolf," I told him nonchalantly,"And my mom was a witch. They defied their families and got married, therefore they got me. As far as I know, I'm the only multi-supernatural hybrid in existence. And, yes, I do have the gifts of both species. Now sit down before you pass out."

He complied numbly and sat by the fire.

An awkward moment later, I asked,"So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how freaked out are you?" He just gave me a curious look, so I huffed,"Sorry. I just wanted to figure out how much time I had before the entire supernatural world knew what I am."

"I won't tell anyone," he assured me, and I looked at him in curiosity.

"Why?" I questioned him suspiciously,"What's in it for you?"

He paused, thinking, then looked into my eyes searchingly and replied,"Maybe I'm trying to figure you out."

I froze, then my shoulders slumped and I mumbled,"I wish you wouldn't." Then, without giving him a chance to respond, I cleared my throat and stood, dusting myself off as I commented,"Well, I should probably get some sleep. Good night."

And I walked off to the shelter I'd set up earlier. I ducked inside and settled down to get some sleep.


To say I was surprised the next morning is the understatement of the century.

First of all, no one was shooting me nervous glances or muttering. They were just cooking over open fires or doing other outdoor stuff.

Huh, I thought to myself, Looks like the vampire kept his word.

Suddenly, as though my thought had summoned him, the said vampire walked out of the trees with a small load of firewood. He spotted me looking at him quizzically and handed the load of firewood to a teenager passing by, talking to him for a moment before sending him off. Probably to deliver the wood. With that done, he walked toward where I waited patiently.

When he got close, I motioned for him to follow me and led the way into the woods, gathering firewood, edible plants, and other useful things along the way. I stayed silent through all of this, and so did he.

I finally spoke when we stopped at a wild raspberry patch, setting down our gathered items at the edge, and began picking the berries.

"So," I commented as I reached for the berries,"you kept your promise. To be honest, I'm a little surprised. I thought it would've been all over the camp this morning."

He replied as he crouched to pick raspberries that were closer to the ground. "I'm a man of my word."

"Then will you tell me something?" I inquired, and he nodded.

"Sure," he grunted as he reached into the prickly bush.

He pulled his hand back out, wincing, and I asked,"What's your name? You never told me."

He looked at me in surprise, then it turned to amusement as he smirked and responded teasingly,"It's Stefan, Miss Unobservant." I growled jokingly a little and Stefan laughed,"Sorry. It's just not often that a pretty girl asks me for my name."

I blushed at the fact that he called me pretty and looked away quickly. He chuckled and we went back to the berries.

Why are you looking away?! Zaney shouted into my head, making me wince, Why don't you just kiss him?

Well, look who's making an appearance, I thought sarcastically, Where have you been?! Oh, and another thing, why in the world would I kiss Stefan? And aren't you supposed to be pining over Zeus?

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