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They all seemed to be surprised by my request.

"Are you sure Saint would be alright with that?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why would he care?"

"Because we're men, and he is also a male, your male," Namjoon made an emphasis.


They all looked at each other as they seemed uneasy.

What the hell is wrong with them?

"So you live with Saint and you're a virgin?" Jin cocked his head to the side as I got more puzzled.

"What does he have to do with me being a virgin?" I internally started I panic, not knowing how to find him.

"So you could, let's say for example purposes, have sex with me right now. Saint would be absolutely alright with that?" Jimin asked as I was dumbfounded by his question.

"Yeah, Saint has nothing to do with my sex life," I cleared out as I really felt like freaking out.

It had to be the seven new scents.

That could be the only thing.

Wouldn't he have recognized my scent as well though?

Seven different scents could also be seven of my family members that he hasn't met.

My eyes widened as I completely panicked and was ready to lose all of my shit.

"SAINT!!" I roared with my lungs, still getting nothing back. "No, no, no."

Pushing things aside, I rushed through the entrance to another room, trying to find him.

"Saint, it's not them!" I called out as I felt my nose sting.

A sign that told me I was on the verge of tears.

Something that happened a lot in my childhood.

"Saint they aren't here!!" I yelled, running out of the room as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" I heard Hoseok call out to me.

Maybe he was playing with his toys.

Going to the corner where most of his toys would stay in a pile, I fell to my knees to move them aside.

Just when I thought things would be fine.

"Y/N!" Taehyung shouted out as he came to place his hands over my shoulders.

"They couldn't have. I change the locks and keys regularly," I started to rant, not paying attention to the voices around me. "The door was locked, the windows weren't broken, the other doors were fine as well."

"You're alright, we're here for you!" Jungkook turned me around as I met my teary eyes with seven worried faces.

"You don't get it! It doesn't matter if I'm alright or not! They can't get to Saint! They'll kill him like they tried to before!!" I screamed, pushing Taehyung and Jungkook off as I stood and stumbled forward.

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