Isabella Hearst: KIDNAPPED

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Isabella's POV


"I guess I'll go home now." Blean said..

"Yeah.. see you guys." Philip said.

"Ok, Isabella, I have to go now! Bye!" Morgan added

I waited for my driver to arrive, after a couple of minutes he's finally here...

I'm finally home again... I went to the kitchen to eat some snacks...... after eating I went to my room.

It's already 4:30 now... time really passed fast...
It's my first time that I wore this necklace...

A maid knocks on the door,
"Miss, what do you want for dinner today?"

"Just make something delicious." I replied.

"Ok Miss." the maid said and left...
I fell asleep eventually and had that dream again
"I'm going to kill them BOTH!!!! Both of her children!!" I can hear that lady with a hideous smile shouting...

She's insane.... that lady is insane..

But I woke up...
I sat on my bed, and scratched my head...

"But what did she mean both? Both Chi-" I thought and I realized something...

I-It can't be, right? Maybe it's my imagination...

But then my phone rang. An unknown caller is calling...

I picked it up..

Before I was going to say something
A person talked
"I kidnapped her..."

"What??" I replied confusedly

"Bella Williams..." He replied..

My heart skip a beat when I heard that.
"What?! Y-you're kidding right??"

And then I heard Bella's voice.
"ISABELLA!" She shouted, she was in pain a lot.

"You bastard why did you kidnap her?!!!" I asked nervously.

"If you want to rescue her, come here at this address... Street **** at ***** you'll see a big abandoned house when you turn right."

"Do you want money?!"

"No.. we don't need your money... by the way, don't call the police or else I'm going to kill your friend.. he said and hang up...

My heart started to beat so fast...
I hurriedly text Morgan, Blean, and the others...

I wore my hoodie and went outside my room..

"Miss, food is ready."

"I'm going to eat later, I'll be back for a couple of hours." I said while running downstairs and went outside the mansion.

I grabbed my key and went inside the car...
Good thing I know how to drive...

Morgan, Blean, Philip and I decided to meet at the park...

And when I arrived there, they are already waiting for me and then they saw my car.

"Isabella!" Morgan shouted.

"Get inside the car fast!!!" I shouted and they followed me.

"Why did they kidnapped her?!!" Morgan asked

"I also don't know why!"

"I'm gonna kill that bastard!!!!" Philip shouted

Blean didn't say anything but he is gripping is hands and he's clenching his teeth.
We arrived at that house and went outside the car.

We first hid in the bushes.
"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO??" Morgan whispered..

"I don't know yet." I replied..

I can't concentrate and I'm in panicked right now.

"I'm going first." I said and stood up.

"But Boss!"

"I'll go inside... but you guys stay at outside the door.."

"Ok" they replied..

They all stood up and followed me..
I knocked at the door but no one answered so I just opened it...
"Stay here first" I ordered Morgan and the others..

They just all nodded.

I went inside the house.. and it was really dark, it also seemed to be spacious. there's no light

"Welcome, Isabella!" It was that guy's voice!! The one who called me!!

"W-who are you?!"

"No need for introduction. You don't need to know me." He replied.

"What did you do to Bella?!"

"Where is she?!!!" I shouted.

"Now now, there's no need to shout." The guy chuckled.

"Don't chuckle! You bastard I'm going to kill you!!"

"Oh, my-- no need for threatening words..." he once chuckled again...

My heart kept beating so fast... It was horrible. I don't want to feel this..
"I-I want to hear Bella's voice.." I said..

"Well then, if you want..."

"Isabella! Help me!!!" She shouted.

"Bella!! Are you okay?!"

"No! Please help!!"

"Ok, stay calm!! Okay?" I shouted.

"O-okay" She replied..

But then Bella started to giggle.

"Why are you giggling Bella?" I asked..

"I appreciate for coming here Isabella but..."

And then they suddenly opened the lights.

"Thank you~~" The person who tried to be Bella mocked me

I clenched my teeth. I was in rage...
It wasn't Bella!! They tricked me!!!

"Voice Phishing..." the guy said.

"I hope you all die....." I murmured but they heard me... they were upstairs.. but my voice echoes when I murmured that...

I looked at them and they were just grinning at me.. they were wearing masks I can't see their faces properly...

And then again they close the lights, it was dark again... but the door of this abandoned house is slightly open

"before we die... You'll be the first one" the guy while it was really dark.."



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