Sweet Disposition

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The girls walked into the bar with wide smiles on their faces.

The independent film they have been working so hard on for the past year and a half had finally paid off and the three of them were now proud nominees of the Cannes International Film Fest.

That was the main reason that brought them to the bar; it was definitely time to celebrate.

Also, it was karaoke night.

“Why are there so many people here tonight?” Lauren asked, more like yelled, as soon as they entered the place.

Ignoring her completely, Vero took Lucy’s hand in hers immediately and pulled her girlfriend towards a surprisingly empty booth located at the back of the bar.

Rolling her eyes, Lauren casted a look to the man singing his heart out to Dancing Queen before following her best friends.

“It feels so surreal to be nominated as best director!” Lucy said as soon as her friend sat down in front of them. “I pinch myself every five minutes just to be sure I’m not dreaming.”

“It is really happening, baby. And you’re a nominee because you are that great.” The tall brunette smiled to her girl before stealing a, not so chaste, kiss from said girl’s lips.

“And so are you and Lolo!” the cheeriness in her friend’s voice made Lauren smile widely. “Your script was flawless, babe. And Lauren is one hell of an actress and I wouldn’t be surprised if she makes it to the Oscars.”

“We are so going to win!” Vero beamed, kissing her girlfriend’s cheek before giving Lauren a smirk. “And you, my friend, need to get laid!”

“Oh, totally!” Lucy chipped in, making the other girl roll her eyes playfully. “When was the last time that someone gave you an orgasm, Lolo?”

The shorter brunette laughed loudly and Lauren just stood up, snorting and looking annoyed at her friends.

“We are just trying to help you out!” Vero chuckled.

“Whatever,” the girl grumbled. “What are you two going to have?”

“Lots of sex tonight.” Lucy replied without hesitation, making her girlfriend beam again, this time with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Lauren huffed at them. “I was talking about drinks.” She clarified. “I’m going to the bar to fix me something, what are you going to drink?”

“Oh!” the brunette pursed her lips, thinking for a second, before replying. “I’ll have an apple martini.”

“And I just want me some tequila.”

“Right,” she eyed her friends warily and said. “Please, try to behave at least until I have two vodkas in my system.” And with that, she made her way to the bar.

The girl stopped in front of the bartender and called him over, but not really seeing her, the guy just turned around and went to attend another customer at the other end of the bar.

In the background, some girl was practically murdering Do You Wanna Touch Me (Yeah) while attempting to make the song acoustic.

“Great,” Lauren mumbled sarcastically before attempting to get the bartender’s attention. She waited until the man looked in her direction and waved at him, because calling him over the loud noise in the place would be pointless, but once again, he didn’t saw her. “I can’t believe this.”

“I can’t either,” a woman said besides her. “You are way too gorgeous not to be noticed.”

Lauren turned around, surprised, just to be met with a pair of intense chocolate eyes that were practically devouring her.

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