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As Virat woke up, he looked around. Last night, Gia had given him and Ayaan the guest room but looking beside him, Ayaan wasn't there. He quickly got up and went down, where he heard giggling and Gia's baby talk.

"Aw, Ayaan is a cutie pie, isn't he? He's so much more better than his daddy!"

Looking around the corner, he saw Gia rattling a toy and Ayaan on the sofa lying down, giggling. The sight was so precious, in a moment he went upstairs and brought his phone and came down where thankfully Gia was doing the same thing. He clicked a picture.

The noise from the camera distracted Gia from shaking the rattle and she looked up

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The noise from the camera distracted Gia from shaking the rattle and she looked up. And there was Virat, shirtless with a phone in his hand.

Wow, the abs have stayed the same!

Focus, Gia! You cannot forgive him!

"Breakfast?" Gia asked after a moment's hesitation.

"Sure, but Ayaan?" Virat gestured.

"I really don't have baby food, but I can blend some porridge? It's what mumma told me." Gia said.

"Wait, you called your mom?"

"How else am I supposed to know what to do when I have a baby?"


After two hours of having 'breakfast', Virat and Gia had successfully put Ayaan to sleep with his soft toy on Gia's bed.

After two hours of having 'breakfast', Virat and Gia had successfully put Ayaan to sleep with his soft toy on Gia's bed

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"So, what did you have to talk about?" Gia said as they sat on opposite ends of the sofa.

"Can I start by saying sorry?" Virat sheepishly asked. "I really had no clue."

"Well, a sorry isn't enough." Gia said, Virat's smile falling off of its face. "But it's a pretty good start, really."


"I'm probably an idiot, really." Gia said to Virat as they cuddled on the sofa. "For taking you back so quickly."

Virat moved back. "We can stop, it's not necessary that we do this."

"Did you know why Cinderella just married Prince Charming because he was kind in that one instance?" Gia asked, tracing his face with her finger. "Even though Charming could've had bad qualities, she still married him. People deserve a happily ever after, Vee. I want you to be mine. Call me naive or stupid but I'm not going to loose the one thing that makes me happy. You're the person who makes me happy beyond my wildest dreams, with memory or no memory. We're going to recreate everything we had, Virat Kohli but with Ayaan too."

In that moment, Ayaan woke up.

"I'll see to him, why don't you heat up the milk, he'd probably be hungry." Gia said, kissing him on the cheek and getting up from his lap.

Virat just sighed and leaned his head back on the sofa.

"I'm thankful that I've got Gia and Ayaan with me now, thank you God."

His phone vibrated that very instant.

To Virat Kohli

From Priya

Where are you and where is my son, you better have not gone to Gia's house!


[What Gia and Ayaan were doing when Virat found them after Priya's message]

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[What Gia and Ayaan were doing when Virat found them after Priya's message]

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