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Gia Chowdhery answers all of the Internet's burning questions

By Ashley D'Sousa

What would you ask Gia Chowdhery, if you could ask her anything? What about 73 of those anythings in a row? When Vogue paid a visit to the March cover girl, nothing was off-limits, from her secret to staying fit to her biggest pet peeve and the most fashionable women she’s ever known. Gia predicts she’ll be traveling more than ever a year from now, so we suggest you take a beat with her now to find out what’s in store.

 Gia predicts she’ll be traveling more than ever a year from now, so we suggest you take a beat with her now to find out what’s in store

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Gia got totally real in the March issue of Vogue, opening up about everything from Instagram fatigue to mental illness. So it’s no wonder then that when we visited this month’s cover girl for a rapid-fire round of 73 Questions she took a similarly no-holds-barred approach.

The one “thing” Gia can’t live without, though, isn’t a thing at all, really—it’s friends and family. “Everyone is equal and everything happens for a reason,” Gia says, summarizing a lesson she learned from her parents. Growing up in Kolkata, Gomez’s earliest memory is of her mother painting, and she tapped into her own artistic side to share a sketch of a frog (smoking a cigar, no less). While Gia was clearly blessed with good genes, and a keen interest in following her artistic inclinations, she also leads a healthy lifestyle, relying on Pilates to stay fit. When she’s in need of a little musical inspiration, she has a tendency to turn on old Hindi songs from the 60's and the 70's. And every now and then, she doesn't hold back on the Cadbury's and chocolate cake, her respective candy and dessert of choice and even her boyfriend, Virat Kohli hasn't affected her lifestyle.

 And every now and then, she doesn't hold back on the Cadbury's and chocolate cake, her respective candy and dessert of choice and even her boyfriend, Virat Kohli hasn't affected her lifestyle

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"He does have a strict health regime and I am in awe of him," She remarks. "But he does understand that I'm not into the same diet, we have completely different diets and he respects that."

The biggest surprise she’s ever received is a romantic rooftop dinner. Gomez didn’t reveal who staged the meal or what was on the menu (although we can have a pretty good guess,) but her dida’s cooking (nana in Bengali) is what she misses most about home. Hopefully, Gia will have an opportunity to visit in the upcoming months, as she expects she’ll be traveling more than ever a year from now. (Gia lists Europe as her favorite destination.) We also expect her travels will be of an international pursuit—the next hobby Gia plans on picking up is learning a new language, or two.

) We also expect her travels will be of an international pursuit—the next hobby Gia plans on picking up is learning a new language, or two

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Having spent the better part of her past in the spotlight, Gia has learned more than a few lessons along the way. What advice would she give her 15-year-old self? “Go ahead and do it ’cause you’re gonna do it anyway,” says Gia, laughing, before naming “patience” as a newfound virtue. Her favorite word is “grateful” and she extends this principle to a shout-out to her tens of millions of followers (and counting): “I get to do what I love every single day and it’s because of you,” she says, “thank you.” (A word to the haters out there—Gia’s biggest pet peeve is people who are rude, while those who act entitled make her the angriest.)

Generally speaking, Gia looks up to her mother most of all, but from a sartorial perspective, she names Ananya Thakur as the most fashionable woman she’s ever known. ("She's so on point, everytime!") Gia’s spirit animal is a Hollywood leading lady: the one and only Meryl Streep. When asked about her relationship with Virat, she laughed. "I was a fan, for the most part. I didn't in my widest dreams expect him to like me. In all respects, we grew into the relationship. He became my best friend before becoming my other half."

No matter what happens, we expect it will continue to be to the beat of her own drum—whatever that may look or sound like. In fact, if her life was a song, the title would be, “I’m Still Figuring It All Out.” And at 24, Gia Chowdhery has plenty of time.

Watch the original video here!

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