Chapter 7

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Stana POV
What do I do now? I'm so confused!
I'm a mess!

That was amazing. Now I know that Nathan feels the same about me as I always have for him. That was incredible.

This can't happen. I'm married. I love Kris. Don't I?
I feel so guilty. Guilty because I cheated on my husband. Guilty because I love Nathan. Guilty because that was incredible. Guilty because I don't want to hurt anyone. Guilty and scared, hell I'm terrified. He didn't pull out and we didn't use protection. Shit! What if I end up pregnant? Fuck!
I'm scared of how this will affect us now at work. I'm not even sure there is an us. Not sure there ever will be. How will this affect the show? The fans, how are they going to react. All this emotion is overwhelming and I start to cry.

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