Audrey Is In Trouble

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Audrey: Yeah?

Me: You got a dare.

Audrey: What is it? And who is it from?

Me: First. You need to slap your mom. Second it's from my good friend Dollbaby201.

Audrey: Stop hanging out with her.

Me: No. Now go do your dare.

Audrey: I don't wanna.

Me: To bad.


Me: People I'll continue the book if you don't.

Audrey: Fine. *mouths without lily noticing* Dare her.

At Audrey's castle.

Me: Hi queen Aurora, King Phillip.

Aurora: Lily, we said you can just call us Aurora and Phillip.

Me: On I know, my sister dared me to call you guys that for the next few times I saw you.

Audrey: WHEN!?

Aurora: Audrey. Don't be rude to your friend.

Audrey: Ok, sorry Lily. When did she dare you?

Me: Last week.

Audrey: Ok. So mom I'm sorry *slaps her mom and ran off*

Me: Uh bye Aurora.


Me: C'mon we might be able to run fast enough.

Audrey: OK.

At Auradon prep.

Me: OK I think we're safe just in case hide in my closet.

Audrey: Ok.

Me: Actually I'll hide also.

Audrey: OK.

In my dorm.

Me: Evie you said you owed me a favor getting you and Jay together right?

Evie: Yeah, why.

Audrey: We're hiding from my mom.

Evie: OK, I won't tell her your here.

Me and Audrey: Thanks.

Me: I owe you one again.

Evie: No this is me doing a favor getting me with Jay.

Me and Audrey hide.

Evie: Ok what to do. Oh. JAY!

Jay: Yeah babe?

Evie:*shows dress* Watta think?

Jay:*kisses her* I love it.

Aurora comes in.

Evie: Thanks Jay, it's for our next day.

Aurora: Hey, is Audrey and Lily in here?

Jay: Y-

Evie: No, they are with Carlos hanging out.

Aurora: OK, thanks. *leaves*

Two minutes later.

Evie:*Pops her head out the door and looks around* She's gone.

Me: Oh good.

Jay looked at us confused as heck.

Me: Audrey got a dare to slap per mom.

Jay: Really?

Aurora: Lily are you there?

Me and Audrey hid again.

Jay: Evie when are we going on our date?

Evie: Later.

Jay: Ok.

Evie wrapped her arms around Jay and kissed him. While Jay and Evie walked over to my bed and sat down kissing.

Aurora: Hello?

Jay: *breaks the kiss*

Evie: Yes Aurora?

Aurora: Is anyone in here?

Jay: Yes, us.

Aurora: I didn't mean you two.

Evie: You asked if ANYONE was in here, not a specific person so yeah you meant me and Jay.

Aurora: Ok.

Jay: Why are you looking for them?

Aurora: Audrey slapped me.

??:It was a dare.

Jayvie and Aurora: Who was that.

??: Uh the author.

Me:*walks out* Wait I'm the author so why are you talking there and not out of my mouth?

Author: Cause. I wanna.

Me: OooooKkk.

That's all remember to comment truths or dares for the part and comment the 500th word, bye. :)

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