Boys Dance

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Me: BOYS, GET YOUR SOON TO BE SORRY BUTTS OVER HERE!!! (I fell I haven't done that in a while)

Ben: Yeah Lily?

Me: You and the terrible dancing boys got a dare.

Jay: Which is.

Me: All y'all boys gotta twerk and sing Work from fifth harmony, the dare is from Princess_of_Winter.

Me: Sorry.

Chad: If your sorry then why are you making us do this?

Me: Cause I'm not really sorry. It's hilarious.

Evie: *walked in* Jay! I got you a present.

Me: Evie I'm presenting a dare, do you mind?

Evie Ooh what is it?

Me: You'll find out, but I already told the boys the dare.

Evie: Great, now leave all of y'all.

Boys: OK, Evie.

Evie: Except you Jay. *grabbed his arm.*

Jay: Uh, what is it Evie?

Evie: My present.

Jay: But my birthday isn't for a while.

Evie: Don't care.

Jay: Ok, what is it.

Evie: Uh, Lily, I only want Jay to see his gift.

Me: Fine.

Evie's POV

Me: Ok, close your eyes, Jay.

Jay: Really Evie?

Me: Yes, now close your eyes.

Jay: Ok.*closed eyes.*

Me: Great.

Back to Lily's POV

Me: Ok, guys so let me just say, they really love each other.

Mal: Lily who are you talking to?

Me: The people who read this book.

Mal: Oh, OK. So who really love each other?

Me: Evie and Jay.

Mal: Oh, ok.

Me: Ok, so the boys got a dare so meet me at the tourney field.

Mal: Ok.

Me: EVELYN! JAYDEN! Time for the dare!

Evie: Uh, just a minute.


Evie: Ok. *came out*

Me: What were you two doing.

Jay: Talking.

Me: I couldn't hear talking.

Evie: You spied on us?

Me: Uh, duh.

Jay: Oh, you know what we did.

Me: Yeah, you two made out.

Evie: It was a great present, right.

Jay: No, it wasn't.

Evie: Oh, I'm sorry.

Jay: It was a awesome present.

Me: Ok, Jay, you need to practice for your dare.

Jay: Nooo!

Me: Yesss! Now go!

Jay: Fine. *leaves*

Mal: What is it?

Me: I'm not telling you.


At the tourney field.

Me: Oh, I can't wait.

Boys sing and twerk.

Evie: That was the dare, to twerk and sing Work!?

Me: No, Evie it was to wrestle sharks, the boys just wanted to do this, yes this is the dare.

Ben: Yeah.

Mal: Ok, just never do this again.

Me: Don't listen to Mal guys.

Evie: Who are you talking to?

Me: The people.

Jay: What people?

Me: Who read this.

Jayvie: Oh.

Evie: Wait people read us?

Me: YES!

Jay: How?

Me: I post truths and dares on Wattpad

Evie: Is that why your typing on your phone?

Me: Yep.

Evie: Oh, Ok.

Me: Well imma end this.

Evie: Wh-

That's all comment truths and dares for my series and see you next time, lease out guys, bye. :)

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