yugioh gx love story

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It was a bright morning, as the sun was shining in the small window of Duel Academy. I got up and stretched as I normally do in the mornings. As I was going to get dressed I heard a knock coming from the door. I walked over and easily pulled the door back, to reveal the guy that is my best friend and my secret crush is standing right in front of me. Jaden.

"Hey, what's up Alice." Karen saidin his hyper tone of a voice. "What do you mean what's up? You know what's up Jaden. Its the weekend and I am finally chilled back and not in does stupid boring classes with Dr.Crowler." I said in an annoying tone of a voice. "Ok." Jaden said quietly. "You know what we should do today Jaden.""What???" said Jaden. "We should so totally go to the beach and kick back and relax and have some fun. And you know what???We should invite the gang with us aswell. Alexis, Atticus, Aster, Chazz, Hassleberry, Syrus, Jesse, Jim, Jasmine, Mindy and Bastion as well." I said cheerfully. "Then its done. I'll call Jesse, Syrus, Chazz, Hassleberry, Jim and Bastion to see if they would like to come." "And I'll call Alexis, Jasmine, Mindy, Atticus and Aster to see if they want to come." "Ok." We both said together. As a hint of blush peeked upon of my skin. As I was turning away so Jaden can't see me blush. I gazed upon Jaden, to see him blush aswell. *Is Jaden blushing or am I seeing things* I thought to myself.

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