yugioh gx love story

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"Okay,now I would like everyone to join in and play truth or dare!" Atticus said , with a smirk on his face. "Okay......eeemmmm......Hassleberry you're first." "Alright ....Syrus truth or dare????" Hassleberry said. ".......Dare me." "Okay....I dare you, to wear the Obelisk girls uniform for the WHOLE DAY, TOMORROW." Hassleberry said, with a smirk on his face. "Fine." Syrus said. "Syrus your turn." Mindy said. "Okay...Jasmine, truth or dare???" "Truth." "Okay.....have you ever been kissed by a boy before???" "Yes!!" "Alright, Mindy your turn." "Right....eeemmm.....Jesse truth or dare???" "Dare me, gal." Jesse said, in his southern accent. "Alright......I dare you to do the Gangdom Style dance with the music, in front of Dr. Crowler's class tomorrow." Mindy said. "That's a really amazing dare." Bastion said. "Time to get my dancing skills on for tomorrow!!!" Jesse said. "Jaden truth or dare???" "Truth." Jaden said. "Who ya lovin', Jaden!!???" "Oh...eeemmmm.....am I really sa pose to say it!!!???" "Yes, you have to." "Fine. I like......." Jaden said, while looking at all of the girls and me. "......Alice." Jaden said, looking at me. I blush at his answer and I looked at him to see him blush as well. "Well I think the truth or dare game is over, everyone" Atticus said, while looking at Jaden and I, as we were staring into each others eyes. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH." Mindy said almost clapping her hands before Jasmine stopped her from doing that she said "Don't clap our hands, Mindy. Do you want them to be disturbed from their love fest." "No. You're right." Mindy said, putting her hands down by her side.

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