Chapter 1

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I walked out of the big van with no windows and closed my eyes due to the sunlight "move!" my gaurd said and gave me a shove. I looked up at the building. It was modern and gave the apperance of a school, something it was.

It had a 'Welcome' sign above the main entrance and automatic doors. We walked over the concrete path and in the building where you saw work children had done all over the walls. They had there trophies linned along the corridors and the lockers aswell.

We walked along to the heads office and knocked on the door which said 'Miss Hilton', it was the same head from when i was here. "come-in!" she said, she still sounded nice and polite. My guard opened the door and shoved me in with force and Miss Hilton looked up and was a bit shocked, either to see me in an orange jumpsuit or the fact i was standing infront of her.

I sat down and my gaurd tightend my cuffs as i had loosened them. " Tyler?" she asked and i just stayed quiet "you know her?" my bitch of a guard asked and Miss Hilton nodded "well besides the fact she was all over the news, but she's an ex pupil!" she said and my cuffs were tightened again, tighter each time.

The cuffs we have, cos were criminals in Arkansas prison have metal studs so when they get tightend they dig into your skin. I ve had them tightend so many times that one time i didnt feel them go into my skin.

"i see!" my gaurd said. She was a woman around her fifties and a bit chubby and a bitch. My cuffs were tightend again "next time the warden will be told!" she said under a whisper and i just scoffed. Miss Hilton just looked at me "so your here for an education then?" she asked.

I was arrested at the age of seventeen and never got my last year of secondry and its been bugging me. I still just stared at her, if i talk then i get angry so i dont talk if i dont need to so i nodded. "okay i have you list somewhere!" she said and looked at a pile of folders.

We had to choose two subjects i chose History and English. Im not sure why im getting my education its just one year and im never getting out of prison as i have a life sentance but i got bored in there.

She talked to my guard and i zoned out. The school has always been teaching prisoners from all prisons in the area. My mum, she's a teacher here, head of History i dont talk with her anymore. She use to always say that the prisoners dont deserve an education, there criminal but after the first week she would boast about how her students are doing the best and how proud she was of them.

My cuffs were tightend again but alot tighter and i cringed "everything okay?" Miss Hilton asked and my gaurd just said yes im a troubled prisoner. We walked with Miss Hilton to my first class, History.

On the way i had loosend my cuffs and my guard tightend them and it was painful "to tight!" i said sternly and she just huffed and tightened them, we were walking down the corridor to the History class "there to tight!" i said stern but loud and Miss Hilton stoped and looked at us and my guard huiffed "well loosen them yourself you seem to be doing it fine!" she said but then she realised what she said.

I whiped them off and just just looked shocked. Luck wasnt on my side as two other guards came out of the staff room with my mum and another teacher and i was quickly pinned to the ground and i just laughed. I was pulled up and pinned to the wall and i laughed even more, bastards.

All the teachers, my mum, Miss Hilton and the other beautiful woman were a bit shocked by the way they treated that. My cuffs were now behind my back and my guard tightened them real tight "dont do that again!" she said stern "you said for me to loosen them and i have witnesses, so dont mess with me lady!" i said stern to her and just shook her head,

"the warden will know of your little trick!" she said and i laughed "go and cry to the warden all you want i dont care~!" i said and Miss Hilton was a bit shocked by my attitude. I use to be the nicest girl, always polite and well manerd, top of all my classes, the respectable student now i dont give a fuck why should i?

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