Chapter 6

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My cell door was open and everyone was in happy spirits but for some reason today i always slept, not sure why but i didnt go against it. I turned and shut my eyes to hear the clacking of heels in my cell. I opened my eyes and looked to see Catrina smiling,

"can i help you?" i asked not getting up from my laying postition "its christmas!" she cheered and i looked at her confused and she just looked at me "you did know right?" she asked and i sighed "you seem to forget ive been here eleven years and nothing to celebrate, so yes i did forget!" i said and she gasped,

"how can you forget christmas, thats it your not human!" she said and i nodded "either way im sleeping, so thanks for the visit an all!" i said and turned myslef to face the wall and my back to her. I heard her sigh "Layla's comming to visit you today!" she said and i turned around "why, i dont have school!" i said and she nodded "i know but she's your girlfriend and its christmas!" she said in a duh tone "i know all this so wouldnt she spend it with family than trail all the way up here!" i said and she nodded,

"dont worry there comming to!" she said cheery and i sighed "they dont have to, honest!" i said and she sighe d"too late there here, i came to get you and wait how could you forget about christmas, they have christmas dinner?" she asked and i shrugged "always slept through it!" i said and she sighed,

"so you've had nothing to eat?" she asked and i nodded "well done Eimstein!" i said and she smiled "come on, we'll get you something to eat then you can see everyone!" she said and in nodded,

I was walking down the corridor and the cafeteria was diagonal from the visitors widnow, if you looked at the door from a certin angel you could see where i sat. "this feels weird!" i said allowed and Catrina looked at me and i held up my hands "im not cuffed!" i said and she laughed a bit.

We passed the window and i waved to my family and Layla's and they smiled but looked confused when i went in the cafeteria "i'll tell them for you!" Catrina said and i nodded. I saw Grace in the line and i walked upto her cutting around ten people.

"hey, whats on?"i asked and she nodded "christmas shit, hi can i get the turkey?" she asked the dinner lady and a brown glop was put on her plate "eh, the turkey aswell then!" i said and i also grabbed some bread and water.

I sat at our table and could see my mum and dad pefectly. My mum waved and i smiled. I looked at my meal and looked at it with disgust, it looked stuck to the plate. I flipped it over and hung it upside down "ohh look at that!" John said with a mouth full of food.

I nodded and took a bite and spat it back out "thats of!" i said and pushed it away and they nodded "but its the best they've hadd all year!" Tony said and i shrugged "oh well!" i said and took my bread which actually tasted like bread, i was pleased.

A man came up to us looking nervous and i remembered him being the fresh meat. I snikered and the guys stood behind me looking scary and he got scared "how can we help?" i asked and he nodded "r-ri..right...i ..w-wanted you...a...happy...christ-christmas!" he said and i nodded "happy christmas now beat it!" i said and he nodded and left.

I was tapped on the shoulder by Tony as he sat down and i sighed and twideled with my fork "right im bored so im of to see family!" i said and i gave them high fives and left. I walked over to the visitors door and knocked.

A guard opened it and glared at me. I was cuffed instantley and shown to my family and Layla's. They were sitting at the big table all talking and it stoped and was replaced with smiles when i came over. I was cuffed to the table, tighter than usual and i was also cuffed to the chair.

"thank you so much!" i said sarcasticlly to the guard and he just walked away "merry christmas to you to!" i said as he went and they all laughed a  bit and i turned to them all "merry christmas!" my mum cheered and i just looked at her "since when were you so excited about christmas?" i asked and she looked at me,

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