Chapter 4

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Tyler's POV

I was still beiong taught in the prison, my time extened as i got in another fight and bet the crap out of a guy. I was walking past the visitors window expecting to just see Miss Jackson as Miss Jesops doesnt come on Fridays but also with Miss Jackson were a man and woman and she was talking with them.

I was past crazy Sam and he bumped into me "hey watch it!" he said and i just shook my head "watch it!" he said and pinned me to the window. I shoved him of and went to walk on but he turned me around and pointed a knife at me, here we go.

I crossed my arms over my chest but kept my right hand on my chin "do you really want to be doing that?" i asked. All th guards were standing back to scared to do anything and i knew all the visitors were watching.He twitched "dont test me Holland i know your scared!" i laughed and walked forward and he looked around "go on, i dare you!" i said and he twitched and scratched his head and i laughed "you dont have the guts do you!" i said and he twitched " dont test me!" he said sternly and i nodded,

"fine go ahead, prove me wrong stab me!" i said and i waited "no, okay i gues your a wimp, a prisoner who cant stab someone, a weak excu-"i was stoped by him shoving the knife at me. I managed to catch it before it went in my stomach.

He was shoving it in further and it was digging into my hand. I saw the guards looked shocked at the floor and i looked down and there was blood pouring out my hand. Sam loooked down and stepped away leaving the knife and looked at the floor and my vision went blurry. I tried not to think about the blood but i did and blacked out.

I suddenly woke up and Doctor Holland was above me and my face was wet. I shot up and i was still infront of the visitors window and Sam was pinned against the wall and all the visitors were looking shocked. I looked at the pool of blood and gaged, i couldnt stop and i was sick "alright!" Doctor Holland said and rubbed my back.

I wipped my mouth and looked at my hand and the knife was sticking in it and i panicked "alright, just calm down!" Doctor Holland said and i tried not to look at it "now just come with me to the medical room!" she said and i took a deep breath and pulled it out "right okay!" she screamed and i could fell the blood running down my hand.

I looked at it and gagged "that was stupid!" she said and gave me cotton for the blood which was quickly turning red. I was breathing heavily and i saw more blood and i felt sick again and i threw up at the sight of it.

To whoever was sitting with Miss Jackson, i was making a good inpression i think. I was told to sit down and keep my head between my knees while Doctor Holland fixed my hand. She wipped some blood away and i gaged "dont do blood?" she asked and i shook my head "what was your first guess?" i asked and she laughed a bit,

"so how could you kill all those people then if you cant look at blood?" she asked and i hissed in pain " i didnt!" i said and she nodded "i now believe you!" she said and i nodded "three, im getting closer to the world!" i said and she laughed,

She put a bandage round my hand and helped me up "good luck!" she said and i looked confused "you'll be talking to my parents and they think your guilty!" she said as i was cuffed "why they here?" i asked and she sighed "there checking to see if your safe enough really!" she said and i nodded "not a good first inpression then!" i said and she laughed "no but you never know they might see it as heroic!" she said and i was shoved.

I walked in and i was shoved in my seat and cuffed to the table and chair and the three of them just stared at me "what?" i asked "what happened?" the woman asked "i was cut!" i said and she nodded "but you collapsed!" the man said and i nodded "i cant stand the sight of blood, i was also sick twice if you look you can see my lunch on the wall!" i said,

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