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"Lance!! Let me go!"

"Not until you promise not to spy on us again!"

"It's not that I want to Lance, I just can't help it!"

"Lies! You are a fucking perv and you know it. Can't help but spy on someone else's love life just to satisfy your own sad one."

"Allura isn't sad! I love her!"

"Then why cheat on her?"

"I never did!"

"Oh really?" Lance once again shoves my phone in my face. I can't see it, but I swear my face becomes as red as a cherry.

Those pictures, so what, that was my business not his...

Lance turns to the camera and starts to speak.

"So there you guys go. Our own so called "loyal" and "straight" leader is actually gay as fuck and cheating on his girlfriend. Sorry Allura. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you can do better."

Lance presses the stop button and the walls turn back to normal.

"Wipe away your tears daddy," Lance says, clearly directed at me, "you did this to yourself."

I hate my life. I might as well be invisible.


After untying Shiro, he runs off towards his room. Probably to cry in his room.

That little wuss.

And I know what you're probably thinking, do I feel guilty?

Fuck to the no.

That little rat deserves it. 

Like I mean he fucking is hitting on my man!

Not his man.. MINE.

Keith is MINE.


I don't realize I'm saying this all out loud until someone punches me from behind, of course knocking me out.


When i wake, I don't know where I am or what happened, until I hear a familiar voice muttering behind me.

I'm wrapped to a chair with rope, but I'm able to turn my head to see who is behind me.

Hunk. Out of all the people, Hunk would be the person I'd least suspect of kidnapping.

"Ahem." I say in the most annoyed voice I can.

Hunk startles and looks up from a book his is reading. I'm suspecting the cooking manual.

"Oh.. Hey Lance." He says awkwardly whilst rubbing his head.

"So," I say, "I don't suspect you tied me up here to rape me did you?"

"Wow you got it right." Hunk says expression less.

Lance x Keith // The Other SideWhere stories live. Discover now