The end...?

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//Shiro P.O.V//

I'm on the edge.

I need to do it.

I need to jump.

//Keith P.O.V//

I'm running.

I don't know where but I need to find Shiro.

//Shiro P.O.V //

The drop is about 150 feet.

The chance of death is certain.

I don't know when, but soon.

I don't want to jump, but I have to. I've messed to many things up.

But I'm held back.

Like someone is calling to me.

//Keith P.O.V//

"Shiro! Don't!"

He's on the edge of the ship, leaning over.

When he hears my call his head turns to me.

Tears drench his face.

"Shiro please, step away."

"I'm sorry Keith." He cries, "I- I don't wanna do this."

His face turns from fear to determination.

"But I have too."

//Shiro P.O.V//

"NOOOO!!" Keith's cry fades in to the surroundings.

I love you Allura. With all my heart. And I realize now I've made a mistake. I don't wanna be with Keith. I want to be with you, Allura. But things are ruined because of me.

"Remember me.." I whisper to the darkness.

I'm falling. The air is dancing around me. For once in my life I feel at peace with my future.

//Keith's P.O.V//


Shiro disappears into darkness.

In shock, my knees buckle in.

"Why world..?" I whisper.

"WHY WORLD!! TELL ME!" I yell to the sun, hoping I get an answer.

I pound the ground with my fists.

"He didn't deserve to leave!"

"I know. We all know."

I turn my head slightly to see the whole Voltron Team behind me.

Pidge has tears in her eyes. "He didn't.."

She breaks down in tears and turns away from me.

Hunk is behind Pidge with a tear running down his face and a look of shock etched on it. I don't think he can process this either.

And Coran, he looks as if he is trying to keep strong, but his body is shaking and his hand is over his face.

Allura is in the far back, she's on the floor in a ball, crying.

I look away and gulp, and then back at the canyon.

"Could he have..?"

Pidge looks at me, I know she doesn't want to answer.

But she still quietly mutters, "No..."

Suddenly I'm pushed out of the way.

Allura's now not crying, but hyperventilating.

Lance x Keith // The Other SideWhere stories live. Discover now