{15} Sacrifice

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"Natsu!" I screamed and dove towards the water to grab him, but he had already went under.

A loud ear piercing  scream echoed around the cave making everyone cover their ears. "What is that?!" Frosh cried.

My blood froze from fear and anger, that scream. I knew what it was, they've attacked our Kingdom before.

Natsu's body sprang from the water and he reached his arm to me, his shirt had been ripped apart and blood oozed from his wounds, I held out my hand and he grasped it tightly, "Hang on I've got you!" Happy and Gajeel ran to my side and tried to help me pull him out.

A web-like gray hand-claw grabbed his belt and attempted to pull him under again. More jumped out of the water and I clearly saw their faces. Gray skin and sharp jagged teeth, their long hair looked like ugly seaweed.


Mermaids that studied a form of evil and black magic under water. They were exiled from the Ocean years ago but they still attacked other mermaids and humans for pleasure. They were sick and murderous creatures.

"Their really strong everyone!" I screamed. "Don't let them get their hands around you or they'll drag you under the water!"

Everyone got their weapons and began fighting. Levy brought Lector and Frosh to the Dragon stone where Lily guarded them.

"P-Please don't let go" Natsu begged.

"I won't just hand on!"

Gajeel got a hold of his other hand while Happy pulled my backpack to help. The Witchmaid too pulled harder and it's claws dug into his skin. He gritted his teeth and I knew I needed someone to come over and get the Witchmaid of his leg. But everyone was busy. Levy, Lector and Frosh couldn't help either.

Someone help me! I prayed.

The Dragon Stone started to glow again and I felt a warm tingly feeling in my legs. I was confused for a moment but quickly realized what I could do. What I had to do. If I didn't Natsu could die. Gajeel and I couldn't keep holding him like this and as more blood poured out he looked like he was getting weaker.

It was a sacrifice I was willing to make. To save the man I loved.

"Do you trust me Natsu?" I asked.

He lifted his head to me weakly, "Always love."

I Let go and the Witchmaid pulled Natsu under as Gajeel let go too, "When he comes back up get him out of the water" I told Gajeel and grabbed my Celestial Blades. I threw myself into the water and felt my legs get hotter the moment the water covered me. In a spit second my tail appeared and I saw as fast as I could to the Witchmaid who was pulling Natsu deeper to the bottom. I quickly reached them and knifed it straight through the heart. 

It screeched at let go of him, I took the chance to grab him and pull him to the surface. Gajeel stuck his hand in the water and Gray ran to help him. They pulled Natsu out of the water and got him safely on land.

Once I knew he was safe I disappeared under the water and began swimming to other Witchmaids, stabbing them while my friends were keeping them occupied.

One in particular started swimming to me and I stood my ground as it rushed at me. I stabbed it in the arm with my blade and it turned around and bit my shoulder. I screamed and began swimming widely trying to throw it off. It's claws just in my side just below my boob and I head-butted it. I sent it flying back a bit but it quickly regained itself.

There was some seaweed below and I quickly swam down to get it. The Witchmaid followed me and I grabbed some and placed it on my wounds. My friends has defeated most of them, why weren't they turning back. Were they like the Kraken? Beasts who guard the Dragon Stone and kill people who get near it?

Did Igneel, Grandeeney , Metalicana, Weisslogia and Skiadrum die at the claws of these monsters?

My mother did.

When they attacked our Kingdom, she rushed me to a hiding spot where I would be safe. When they left a guard told me she died from a Witchmaid trying to protect me. She sacrificed herself for me.

Like I was doing now for Natsu.

I would the Dragon Stone could give me back my legs. After wanting my tail back for so long? Would I stay a mermaid my entire life now. Away from Natsu and my friends.

The Witchmaid slapped me across the face throwing me to the sandy bottom. She tackled me and began clawing at my skin and my scales. I screamed and tried to fight back but it knocked my Celestial Blades away from me.

It continued to attack and wound me and I started to get weaker. It grabbed my hand and lowered it's head to my throat.

I moaned in pain and went limp as it went to ripped my throat out.

It screamed and strong warm arms grabbed me and held me tightly. The Witchmaid looked at me and screeched before it's eyes widened in fear and panic. It swam away fearfully.

I opened my eyes and looked up.

"Are you alright Lucy?" A man with a deep voice asked gently.

He had short light dirty blonde hair, a golden crown rested upon his head and in his other hand he held a Mermaid scepter.

I couldn't help but feel a warm comfort and I rested my hand against his chest.

"You came for me Father."

He smiled, "Of course my dear daughter."


Ha! Another chapter in the same day. Lucy had sacrificed her legs to become a mermaid again to protect her friends and Natsu. I said everything I wanted in my last chapter so this is pretty much it. Lucy's father, King Jude Heartfillia has appeared.


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