Chapter Six: Holmes Chapel

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Tapping a beat on the gray, leather steering wheel, I continued down the quiet highway that led to Holmes Chapel. All that you could see where the two lanes of the road and the rest was just greenery.

Absolutely beautiful.

Continuing down the road, I let out a content sigh, finally reaching town instead of forest.

Making a couple left turns I pulled into my old neighborhood and into a specific driveway.

Waiting by the door was a tall, average built boy with curly brown locks and vibrant green eyes.

Killing he engine of my car, I stepped out and rushed towards him. Leaping into his arms, we both burst out into laughter.

"Hi, Hazz." I smiled, squeezing him I a tight hug.

"Hi, Lem, how've you been?" he smirks widely at me and grinned and nodded.

"I''m great now! Well it's been a really long few weeks....or days? I don't even know, it feels like forever." I giggled, pulling out of his embrace.

"Leggo to da clubbbbbb!" He laughed and I smirked.

"I'm going to beat you, Styles!!!!"

"No you're not, Crusader!" He laughed, as we slipped into my car and began the long drive to the club.


Gripping tightly onto my pipe of weed, I stumbled into, Harry.

"Heyyyyyyy, Bae!" I slurred, grinning widely at him.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii, Boo!" He was stumbling so much that his drink was sloshing around and spilling everywhere. Snatching his drink, I set it down along with my pipe and pressed my lips against his.

At first he was confused, but then his lips moved in sync with mine. I slipped my hands into his curls as his hands softly sat at my hips. I giggled as his lips went to my ear:


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