Chapter Five: A No-Show Christmas

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~*~*~*~* Lemon *~*~*~*~

I had heaved myself out of the car, picked out a few gifts, then continued weeping in the car. Turning the car on, and speeding down the road, my phone rang numerous times.

I just let it go.

I couldn't speak, let alone feel at this moment. It was all too much. I felt like I was back at that horrid school where people teased and were SO judgmental. There's not much difference. A least not in the feeling of it.

My phone binged and rang and binged again. So when I came to a stop light, I shut off the sound. My hands fisted the wheel as I pulled into the parking lot. As much as my head was spinning, and the constant thudding of my heart was heard loudly in my ear, I felt nothing.

No pain.

No sadness.

No anger.

It was an all too familiar feeling to me.

Getting out of the car, I snatched my phone, and shut the door quietly. Clicking the button, the time read: 12:36

"Happy Christmas." I cried. Going into my trunk, I pulled all of the bags out and made my way to the door. Gradually making my way through the lobby, I took even slower steps as I went down the hall. Clasping my hand around the door knob, I pushed it open. Louis was asleep on my bed, trails of dried tears down his cheeks. As much as my heart hurt, I shook it off and did what I had originally intended.

Make Christmas for Louis.

I placed the presents around a small tree I had hidden in my closet. Each one glimmered in the light, due to the shiny wrapping paper I had purchased. As I set down the last gift, Louis slightly stirred. I thought nothing of it, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. My heads trembled as I wrote down on the blank piece of white lined paper.

"As much as I'd like to say merry Christmas to you face to face, give you a hug, and watch you open all those presents I bought for you, as much as I'd like to see your face......I'm not going to. I'm going back to Holmes Chapel. I don't know how long I'll be there, or if I'll ever come back, but hey, having a sense of happiness is better then not feeling at all. Don't call, or text. the presents and enjoy them.

Give them use.

Or return's whatever.



Lemon Elizabeth Crusader"

After signing my name, I stuck the note in the tree, and made my way out of the Depression Home.

I was ready for my escape.


Hello there! Thanks for reading this chappie and I hope you enjoyed! The next chapter shall be LOUIS POV :D

So stay tuned!

~Sara Avery xx

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