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Okay don’t freak out…just relax…relax. Breathe in…and out….in…and…out..shit what happens now? did I forget how to breathe. I think I just did.

“Nora! Nora! Are you okay?”  niall said shaking me

“I-I think I forgot how to breathe.” I said putting my  hand to my chest to see if it was moving up and down

“Nora calm down.  Just breathe”

“I don’t know if you can see, but I think I forgot”

“Nora just look at me….IN” he said breathing in loudly as I copied “ and OUT”  he said breathing out loudly. I copied as I clamed down. “Better?”

“ Thanks” I said smiling at Niall

Before I knew it, the cart shook a little. I scremed as I felt someone wrap their arms around me. “Shhhh…nora…its nothing’re safe…don’t worry” niall cooed

“I-I’m sorry” I said into his chest.

“Why are you sorry?”

“you have to deal with me until we get down”

“if you don’t mind me asking  , why are you so afraid of heights?”

I snuggled up with niall to get comfortable. I sighed “do you really want to know?”

“yes” he said putting his arm around my waist…I know why, but cuddling with niall just feels so right…stop it nora.

“okay” I sighed out “its all started  2 years ago…”


Finally summer vacation. Free from work and school. Two months away from Problems. Goodbye America and Hello Mexico! Why Mexico? Well, I heard they have a fantastic mountain to climb.  Rocking climbing a staggering 1500-foot wall in Mexico. Rocking Climbing has been my love lately and I’m pumped for this climb. Just a few more hours and I’ll be my way for the climb of my life.


I stood at the bottom looking up at the cliff. Standing at the bottom just gave me chills just looking at it.

“Look Nora, your mother will be at the top with the equipment, She will watch over the ropes and gear. I will be at the bottom holding the rope.”  Dad said snapping me out of my thoughts

“Okay, at least you guys will be watching over me” I said smiling at him

“Be careful hun” dad said hugging me

“I always am” I reassured him

“I know, okay so put  on your gear and just  talk into walkie talkie when you are ready”

“got it” I said as i started to put on my gear

“are you sure you want to climb this mountain? “dad asked before he left


“okay. Love you sweetie” he said walking away  to get the rope


Once I was done putting on my gear, I called my mother saying I was ready for the climb. Dad attached the ropes to me and I started to climb.  Each minute I was further off the ground and on the edge of glory….as lady gaga would say. I’M ON THE EDGE OF GLORYYYYYY! Oh god, I can’t sing, not even in my mind. After 30 minutes I looked down, and barely saw my dad. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to look down. I’m starting to get alittle nervous. Calm down nora. You’re fine. Everything will be find. I started to climb again when the rope broke. I screamed in fear as I clutched the  mountain for dear life.  I quickly took out my walkie talkie

“DAD, MOM WHATS  HAPPENING! THE ROPE BROKE! THE ROPE BROKE!” I screamed into the walkie talking.

“Nora, calm down. Hold on, you’re mother and I are getting help. You’ll be fine, just find the nearest ledge and stay there.” Dad said

Before for I knew it, I dropped the only thing that would keep me calm. The walkie takie. I started to freak out. The rocks are so thin and I’m literally hanging out to tiny rocks for my dear life.  I hugged the rocks and looked down. Bad idea. I screamed as I heard my dad yell.

“HONEY DON’T WORRY! HELP IS ON THE WAY!” he yelled I nodded in response. Calm? Calm? How can I stay freaking calm when I’m basically on the edge of my death. I looked up,  its not that far…I have to climb…I have to. Slowly and carefully Nora..Slowly and carefully. I slowly took my hands off the rock I was currently hanging on too. I slowly climbed, watching every rock I step on.  Slowly…fuck fuck fuck…I mentally cursed as  my foot slipped off a rock. I screamed as I shut my eyes closed in fear.  Come on nora get it together. After slowly and carefully climbing up the mountain, I finally made it to the top.


“I climbed out of my death.” I  said as I finished my story.

“Nora…I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” Niall said

“what are you sorry for? Its not like you could have known.” I said before I knew it the cage started to move causing me to scream…I felt niall wrap his arms around me. 2 hours and  I spilled out why I was afraid of heights…only my parents knew... not even Em…I don’t know why…but niall made me feel safe just being in his arms. 

Summer Love (A Niall Horan Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now