Reader x Marco (Spring Formal AU)

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The school dances and annual proms weren't my thing. The music was too loud and was, almost never, in my forte. There were too many rowdy, hormonal teenagers in one area, and that was the gym with a maximum capacity of only 400. There were also an alarming number of chaperones, too many to have any fun. I'm sure I have a list stored, in some dark corner of my brain, that holds another 50 reasons why I've decided not to go these past 3 years. 

But here I am, leaning on a wall, watching my entire high school get funky. I had somehow gotten dragged here by my friend, Sasha, but was soon ditched upon the sight of food and her date, Connie. I honestly couldn't blame her, I'd ditch me for crackers too. I'm not very fun to be around and I tend to be sour if there are a lot of people around. Shaking my head I looked around me for the hundredth time that night.

The music was loud as expected, but there were few chaperones around. The chaperones consisted of our high school staff. Our principal, Mr. Pixis, stood outside the gym doors greeting those who walked in and out. Mr. Smith and Mr. Ackerman stood across the gym, next to the food table, chatting with one another. Miss Ral was lecturing some boys about their 'inappropriate' dancing. Mr. Zacharias and Ms. Nanaba walked around and carefully watched the students dance. Though they weren't visible, you could hear the hysterical laughter of Ms. Zoe and the pleas and horrific cries from Mr. Burner out in the hall. Poor man, she probably tried to inject him with another dose of her mystery liquid again.

I swear if the teachers look to be enjoying themselves, except for Mr. Burner, then I must really be a party pooper. I frowned at myself for being like this, curse my antisocial personality! Everyone around me was having fun. Girls and boys, freshmen and seniors, blondes and brunettes. Before I could sulk and sink into depression any further, the DJ spoke into the mic and out into the crowd of crazy, sweaty teens.

"Alright, alright! Now, how many of you have had fun tonight!" The gym erupted into a roar of cheers and screams of approval. I didn't move from my spot on the wall and kept my lips in a thin pursed line of disapproval. No, mister DJ, I have not had fun tonight.

"That's awesome! Now, its been a long night and there's no other way to end the night than with a slow dance! Grab your dates kids, while we unwind for the night." The room erupted into yet another frenzy of cheers but they soon ceased when the strobe lights were turned off and a more gentle blue light took their place. There were tons of couples already on the floor and some who were sitting had just joined in the final dance of the night. Some students had already left with their dates to. . ."do-the-do". Freaking disgusting, if you ask me.

I would have left long ago, but my ride home was still here. Probably stuffing her face along side her boyfriend in the hall. Who knows, maybe they are dancing in the crowd somewhere. I know one thing's for sure, I'm having a serious talk with her when we get out of here. It was still quiet in the gym while the DJ set up the song required. After a few more moments there was a steady bang of the drum and a smooth strum of a guitar. It was 'Kiss Me'. My frown faded a bit, I actually liked this song. Too bad I didn't have a date, otherwise I'd be willing to dance to just this one song. Then, my night might not have been a complete waste of time.

It was at that moment, I felt a soft tap on my left shoulder. I quickly turned my head to the side and was met with a tall freckled boy. His hair was black and he had very wide hazel eyes. He looked a little jumpy, nervous is probably a better word to use in case. I didn't recognize him from my class of juniors, so I immediately assumed he was a senior because of his height.

"H-hello, My name is Marco." His freckled cheeks were now dusted over with a light pink hue. How cute, he must be a sophomore. No senior I know is this timid or shy towards a junior, or anyone for that matter. Plus, he's too polite to be a senior. I pushed myself off the wall and turned my whole body to face him. I put a small smile on and looked up to him.

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