Reader X Armin (First Meeting AU)

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It was a cold Sunday morning in November and you were on your way to a local bookstore just a few blocks from your University dorm.

Visiting the bookstore was one of your favorite things to do now that you were away from family. Every weekend you made the ten minute walk to the store and spent all day in there. It was convenient really, how the store ran a small cafe in the back so you could order a drink and go back to reading. Of course you never did it though, in fear that you might damage one of the more antique books. But, you always made sure to order before you left.

You had gone so many times that you had befriended the small, five person staff that included Eren, Sasha, Connie, Krista, and Marco. You already knew Marco because he was in a few of your University classes, History and Communication, but he introduced you to the rest. Sasha and Connie ran the cafe in the back, a suitable job to keep their energy at bay. Marco, Krista, and Eren were in charge of the store. Krista was a going to a different Uni across the city and living with her girlfriend, Ymir, who also attended your Uni. She was more of the store manager, paying the bills, ordering new books, keeping track of food supplies, ect. Eren and Marco were the librarians. Well, Marco was an official librarian, Eren was working his way up to that title while taking online schooling.

None the less, you loved visiting the store to read and spend time with your friends. Your walk was over, as you walked past the large front window. Through the window you could see random stacks of books sitting next to the large shelves that held even more books. Right in front of the window was a small wood table with two antique chairs to match. Over the short year that you had lived here, you had developed a liking to that particular area.

The Fall in which you had first arrived in Trost, you sat and read 'Of Mice and Men' while watching an array of different colored leaves fall from the Sugar Maples. In the Winter you were snowed in at the store and to keep yourself busy, you sipped a cup of peppermint white hot chocolate and read 'Where The Wild Things Are'. During Spring break you finished 'Charlotte's Web' and 'The Alchemist' in the same week at that table. Even though you weren't in Trost for your summer vacation, you missed the little store and its fantastic selection of books and poetry.

You opened the moss green door and heard the familiar chime of a rusted cowbell above you. The smell of Pumpkin Spice Lattes and candles were the first to greet you, causing your nose to wrinkle up in disgust. You loved Fall, it was your favorite season in fact. You just never understood what would make a person want to smell cinnamon and pumpkins for three months straight. Marco was the next to greet you, his warm smile and welcoming aura brought a small smile to your own face.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hello, Marco." You skipped over to the long mahogany counter where Marco stood on the other side. Behind him were stacks of new books Krista had ordered earlier this month and they finally arrived, but there wasn't enough room on the shelves so Krista had resulted in stacking them on top of each other. On the back wall was a picture of the staff surrounded by more pictures of them and different authors. That was one of the many perks of working in the store. Once or twice a month, they would have a book signing with some famous author and the staff got to spend some quality time with the author. You dejectedly sighed.

"You guys are so lucky, getting to meet famous authors and hanging out with them. It's not fair, ya know?" You huffed and rested your elbows on the smooth counter, running your index finger along the cool surface of the old register. Marco just laughed at such childish behavior and folded his arms across his chest.

"You could meet some pretty cool authors to, ya know? You just have to work here, that's all."

"Ha, I wish. I already have a job and my parents would freak if I left-" You were interrupted by the cowbell. Marco's gaze was cast to the door and brightened up.

"Hey, Armin. It's been a long time. How are you?" Marco was much happier now that this 'Armin' had walked into the store. It was as if Armin was some long lost friend that had returned after years. You heard light footsteps walk towards you and the counter. You didn't bother looking back, not too curious or interested in Armin. But once a figure was beside you and looking down, you instantly regretted being so uninterested. Armin was a blonde haired, blue eyed, white smiled male who made you melt instantly.

"Oh, hello. I'm Armin." You began to feel heat rush to your face and you shot up instantly.

"H-hello, my name is (Y/N)." The words flew out of your mouth before you could filter through, but at least they were actual words. Armin smiled and extended his hand towards you. You turned a bright shade of red as your shaky hand reached for his. The both of you gently shook hands, Armin locking his eyes with your (E/C) ones the entire time. It frightened you, but you honestly couldn't look away. His eyes were the perfect shade of blue, like the deep blue of the ocean. His eyes, like the ocean, held so many different and wonderful things.

"So Armin, how was Europe?" Marco had just destroyed the intimate moment you two were sharing, causing you to let go of each others' hands and let them fall to the side. Marco flashed a teasing smirk over to you then returned his eyes to Armin. Marco may have been nothing short of an angel, but at times he would intentionally embarrass you. He would always apologize, because he could never handle the fact that someone held a grudge against him. You were sure it was his one weakness.

"Oh, it was fantastic! I still find it hard to believe that I actually had the opportunity to study abroad."

"If you're not busy, maybe you can tell (Y/N) and I about it." Marco winked at you before Armin caught it.

"That'd be wonderful, but what about the store?" Armin asked. Him and Marco used to talk all day before Armin left. He had been gone for around two months, who wouldn't think the store had changed.

"Ha, it's Sunday. No one ever comes in on Sundays anymore except for (Y/N). That's because she enjoys reading just as much as you do, I think you guys would get along great!" Marco cheered as you and Armin looked at each other, both madly blushing. You thought it would be nice to hear about his time abroad. All through high school you had taken advanced classes and participated in most curricular activities, all save for athletics. To say you were bad at sports was an understatement. But sports didn't matter right now.

"I would love to, but I need to be somewhere in twenty minutes." Your heart sunk when his eyes floated to the grandfather clock on the back wall behind the counter.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll hear about it from Marco...I actually have to get going as well." No you didn't. It was Sunday you had completed all of your assignments the day before. It was your free day, the last thing you wanted to do was sit in your dorm room and watch Netflix on your laptop.

"What if we exchange information so we can get together sometime and talk?" Armin looked back over to you with a hopeful smile. You smiled back and nodded.

"That would be great." The two of you exchanged phones putting your individual information in them. Armin wore a small smile while you had a stupid grin plastered on your face. His phone suddenly gave off a small 'ding'. He looked down at his screen and is brows shot up.

"I-I have to go. It was great seeing you again Marco. And it was a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)."

"It was a pleasure to meet you as well." His soft eyes met yours before reluctantly making his way over to the door and pushing it open. You watched him, eyes glazed over in adoration. You subconsciously rest your body against the counter and watched him make his way down the side walk through the window of the shop, sighing as he left from your view.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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