Free (Reader X Bertoldt)

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"Bertoldt, that's a really shitty thing to joke about." You replied, crossing your arms and narrowing your (E/C) eyes at your lover. Bertoldt had taken you out of the HQ building to 'talk'. You figured he had wanted some alone time with you, since you all had been so busy training.
Instead of the intimate time you were expecting, he decided to joke about being the Colossal Titan.

"I'm being serious, (Y/N). Do you really think this is something I would joke about?" His tone was just as serious as his face and body language. It scared you a bit, but you were convinced it was a joke.

"Yes, I really do think that you are joking. If you were the Colossal Titan, that means you took my home and everything I loved away from me. I don't believe you are capable of that." A small smile graced your lips as you reached up to Bertoldt's face. Your soft hands caressed his cheek, but the feeling was short lived.
Bertoldt brushed your hands away and sharply turned his head to the right. Realization flooded through you and your smile fell.

"Bertoldt... b-baby." You reached your hand out again, only for him to grab your wrist. Your eyes widened as he moved closer to you and bent down to your ear.

"Think about it, (Y/N). Think about all the times I wasn't there. Think of all the times I was 'put into a different squad'." His breath tickled your ear lobe, but it only added to your fear. You were completely frozen as thoughts ran through your head.

You thought of the day after your graduation, the day Trost was attacked, the day you were on the wall and Bertoldt wasn't there. You thought of the expedition and how he was no where to be seen when Annie was captured.

Tears rolled down your cheeks while you were trapped in your thoughts. Bertoldt stood behind you, pressing small kisses to your neck and running his hand up and down your sides. You weren't sure of your emotions anymore. Should you be sad that he had done all those terrible things, killed all those innocent people or be angry for doing all those things?
You slowly turned to meet his eyes, to see if he held any sympathy for what he had done. There was none. His pale green eyes held no remorse for the lives lost these past 5 years. Not a single soul.

Bertoldt lightly took your hands and brought them to his lips, pressing light kisses to your knuckles.

"Do you still love me?" He asked. You were silent, eyes wide, and contemplating. Did you really love Bertoldt? Sure, at some point in your life you would probably die for him. And you still would.

"I-I do."

"Say it then." Bertoldt demanded. You looked up to him, some tears leaving the sanctuary of your eyes.

"I love you, Bertoldt." Your voice was shaky and unsure. He stiffly nodded, unconvinced by your words. He let your hands drop and he moved his to your slim waist. He pulled you into his chest and rested his chin on your head.

You melted into his familiar warmth. This is one of the many things that you loved about Bertoldt, his warmth. It took you back to when you lived with your family. There was so much happiness and love in that small house of yours. Younger siblings squealed in joy as you tickled them while your parents smiled from afar. They were taken from you on that day and you fell apart over time. You joined the cadets, already planning on joining the Survey Corps, already planning your death.

Then you met Bertoldt.

He showed you that you weren't alone anymore. He was there to hold you through the pain and was there to wipe all your tears. He restored the warmth that was mercilessly ripped from your heart. He gave you love. That was all you needed to know that he truly loved you. All the wrongs committed five years ago didn't matter, right now did. And you wanted to spend right now with Bertoldt, the one you love.

"I want you to leave the walls with Reiner and I when the time comes. There is no future for you in here. If you come with me, we could be together and not have to worry about surviving the next day. We could just live." Bertoldt's words brought comfort to your aching heart. That's all you had ever wanted, and he knew it. You always talked about wanting to leave the Military and be free. You wanted to go beyond the walls and see what you were entitled to. After all, it was your world and you wanted to live in it freely and that's what Bertoldt was offering. A life that you were in charge of, no strings attached.

You looked up to him, tears building up but a joyful smile pasted on your face.

"Yes, please take me with you. I want to be free with you. "

=====Time skip=====

You made it to Wall Maria by the time the moon was high in the sky. The plan failed to an extent, Eren and Historia had been taken back with the Survey Corps while Ymir came back willingly. Reiner had been throwing titans and running throughout the entire mission, Ymir was mentally destroyed by the fact that she would never she Historia again, Bertoldt had eaten a soldier in his titan form on the wall, and You had sustained life threatening injuries from Mikasa.

The four of you stood on the wall, panting from the fight you put up against the titans. You may not have gotten what you came for but you were going home with Bertoldt, and that's all you wanted. Or so you thought.

You fell to your knees and began coughing violently, blood clots coming up every few coughs. It was coming from your lung, you were well aware of that. In order to protect Bertoldt, you pushed him away from Mikasa's attack, causing you to get a stab to the chest. At least you pushed her into a titan's hand in return.

"(Y/N)! Oh my god, what's wrong!" Bertoldt quickly crawled to your side. His pale green eyes were wide with horror. You couldn't leave him, not when you were so close. He gently lay you on your back, in attempt to make you more comfortable. You were in unbearable pain, but kept a smile on your face for Bertoldt. You coughed again, spitting more blood from your mouth.

"I guess...Mikasa was top of...the class for a reason." You choked out in a raspy voice. Bertoldt's tears streamed down his face as Reiner and Ymir stood behind him and watched in sadness. Bertoldt reached a shaky hand towards you and pulled your shirt up, revealing your wound. Blood slowly seeped out of the five-inch wound and ran down your side. Your rib was visible and stuck in your lung, causing it to fill up with blood.

"Oh (Y/N). W-why didn't you say anything?" Bertoldt whispered as more tears fell from his wide eyes.

"We...needed to...focus on the...mission." Your voice was disappearing and so was your strength. Your eyes fluttered shut and your heart slowed down.

"N-no! Don't leave me right now! We're almost there, (Y/N). We're so close." Bertoldt sat you up and held you in his chest as he sobbed into your shoulder. You ran a hand through his hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

"Please don't cry for me, my love. I promise...that we will see...each other again in...another life." You spoke and lifted his head. He was already broken from seeing you like this, you couldn't imagine what would happen once you left him. You leaned into his heat and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and he gently kissed back. "I love you."

"I love you too and I promise, we will see each other again." He said with the last ounce of strength in his voice. You smiled and nodded, letting your head rest on his on his chest. You let your eyes flutter shut and your last few breaths leave before consuming the last of Bertoldt's warmth and finally letting go.

You weren't free yet, no. You weren't free until you were joined with Bertold. And you would wait to be free with him. No matter how long it would take, you would wait for him to feel freedom too.

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