Chapter 23: Monkey On A Leash

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We have gotten around 700 reads and more than 1000 comments. YAY! 😃 I want to thank each and every one of you that has read so far and has commented. I absolutely love to read comments so I don't mind you guys spamming me with them. I can't thank you guys enough. I'm over the fucking moon right now. ❤️ Enjoy this chapter.


          I sat on the same white sofa waiting patiently for the traitor to show himself while Federigo sipped on his scotch nonchalantly standing next to mother who fiddled with her fingers nervously, pacing back and forth.

My blood continued to boil at the thought of such treachery that I received from my own family. I would have never thought that he'd ever do this to me or this family, but I was wrong. I should've known by the way he had been acting out lately.

          I had been waiting patiently for the past hour and a half with mother filling my head with nonsense about how to deal with this situation, but it went into one ear and escaped the other almost immediately. My mind shut out all the thoughts only allowing murderous plans and blood penetrate through with alcohol running through my veins, numbing my senses.

Resting my head against the headrest of the couch, I scrunch my eyes shut and pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to calm myself down a bit, but the attempt to do so was to no avail, instead the wait angered me even more. The agony in my injured arm just added more gasoline to the fiery pit of rage that was slowly hitting the roof by the passing second.

"He's here," Vince pulled me out of my murderous plots and made me look at the door through which Wren walked in with few of my suited men behind him.

"Mother. Father." He acknowledged the two and turned his gaze towards me. "Brother, what's going on?"

"Leave," I glare past him at my unwanted men, making them walk out in an orderly fashion after an understanding nod from Vince who had kept his mouth surprisingly shut after the phone call. He knew I wasn't in the mood for his mindless, snarky comments and that I would definitely put a bullet through his brain without giving it a second thought.

When the door shut, Wren spoke up, "Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on? What did I do this time?" He looked at me in hopes of finding out the reason but I instead return his question with a soul-shaking glare while my fingers curled up tightly into fists almost drawing blood. Giving up, he turned his attention to mother, "Mom? At least you tell me."

"Don't act innocent, Wren." Federigo spat while he banged his scotch-filled glass down onto the bar behind him, spilling the poisonous liquid on the counter. "You know exactly what you did so don't feign innocence."

          "What the fuck are you even talking about?"

          "Watch your fucking tone with me, boy. I'm your father, not your friend." Federigo roared and stepped forward only to be stopped by Amelia who grabbed onto his arm, holding him back.

          "Well father, why don't you tell me what's going on then?"

          "Are you seriously asking me that, traditore (traitor)?"

          "Traditore?" Wren knit his brows together in confusion. "What did I do to receive that title?"

"You called a hit on your brother, that's what you did."

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