Chapter 40: King Of The Jungle

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WARNING- This chapter will contain violence. Read at your own risk! Don't forget to vote, share, and comment. Enjoy!


          We sat in the limo that he came in and commenced towards our destination. Leo stared out the window at the oncoming storm while my eyes gazed at him. His face was turning to a mild red shade slowly as his legs shook rapidly due to anticipation.

          A dementing feeling crawled above my heart to see the man I love in such state. His thumb fiddled with his light scruff while his other hand was clenched tight above his knee. The man was in deep thought sitting in the complete other end of the vehicle, away from me, leaving me to sweat in anxiety alone by myself. His lids didn't blink once since we got in the vehicle and it had been quite a while.

          Breathing out a nervous breath, I crawled down the narrow illuminated aisle and leisurely took a seat next to him. Anger seeped from the tense man's shoulder, his body radiating heat that was encompassed in balls of raging fire. My heart bounced like a scared child who was going to meet its worst fear, yet Leo wasn't my worst fear, the ferocity that was leaking from his body at this moment was my fear.

          The bleakness of his body language unnerved me, yet I gained some flustered confidence and cozied up next to him, rubbing our shoulder together ever so slightly that he didn't even notice. Swallowing down the lump stuck in my throat, I raked my hand over his clenched fist, startling myself when the man flinched at my unexpected touch.

          "Sorry," he said, putting his arm around my shoulder and tugging me closer to his hard chest as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Didn't mean to scare you."

          "It's okay," I laid my head on his chest and drew circles on his knee that was still shaking anxiously. His soft, yet erratic heartbeats drummed through my ear canal while he ricocheted back to the trance-like state in which I was left alone once again.

       "Leo," my hand sauntered over to his that was playing with his facial hair and pulled it into my lap, intertwining our fingers with my head still nuzzled into his chest. "You're too tense." I ripped my body away from his and grabbed his large hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Shake it, big guy," I laughed, shaking his hands back and forth. "Loosen yourself a little."

          He groaned and complied after a sigh with a smile on his face. "Thanks."

          Cupping his face into my hands, I reached up to his nose and placed a little peck on it. "You're welcome. Everything will be fine. Evelina is okay."

          "The thing is that she's not okay." His jaw twitched in hatred as his eyes that were usually a beautiful beach on a sunny day, now they were a dark and deadly hurricane ripping through the ocean, devastating everything in its way. "Love, you'll see a terrible side of me today and I'm scared that I'll push you away."

          "Leo," I chuckled and pinned our foreheads together while my hands tangle with his. "I'm not going anywhere." My eyes gazed at my thumb that caressed the back of his hand. "They kidnapped your sister. As her brother, you want revenge. I get it. Ashton would want revenge too, but I still don't have the courage to tell him what happened."

"He deserves to know, my love."

"I'll tell him after Astor's chapter is done."

          Leo clasped my hands tightly and gazed at me. "Will you always love me?"

          A smile creeped on my face and compelled me to kiss my man. "Till my last breath."

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