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(Trying something a little different with this book, let me know what you think in a comment. This book will go back and forth.)

"You are all going!" Me, my three brothers all held in our groans and waited for our uncle to finish his rant. Like always. "I have arranged everything. You are leaving tonight." But that sudden news had my eyes popping open, I swiveled my head and watched as he walked around the table one last time smiling since he knew he got all of our attention.

"But Uncle Dragomir, we aren't even packed for a three week vacation in America." Ivan said the first thing thankfully because if I had said something it was going to be a 'no way in hell.'

"Yes you are. I have everything ready. I planned everything for your departure. I don't want you to think of this as a vacation either Ivan. Or any of you. This is a mission. Female wolves are dwindling in our pack...they are leaving. They are pinning for their mates. And you know what... I don't blame them. They might not have their mates in the pack but you are not making it say for them to have children in this pack. Like I was saying! This is not a vacation. It is a mission. You are all to look for your mates in every pack. Even the Ukraine Pack." At that Dimitri and Ivan groaned.

"But those women are all-"

"You will do as you are told Dimitri. If you're parents were alive they would have 10 children. But you know what? Your father died protecting this pack. It is the least you can do to repay him. Make his once proud pack thrive. Make the new children of the pack know why your parents are going to be immortal." He shouted again and I looked down at my hands as they fiddled.

I looked to Luka and then the twins who were all looking towards me. "We understand Uncle. We will try our best." I told them as well as my uncle.

"Vlad, you know this is for the best. You can't just sit in your room and go out occasionally for the rest of your life. The twins can't fuck anything that walks forever either. And Luka...  you won't even open up to tell us what it is you do in that building you got. Goddess knows that you won't let us near it either." Our uncle was going deep now. I noticed Luka tense. We were all used to his mysterious ways now but that didn't mean we weren't really curious about what he did everyday.

"And what time would we be leaving tonight?" I asked him watching him make another round around all of us at the table.

"In about-" He stopped, look at his watch and then smiled. "An hour." He said and I glared.

"And if we all had plans for things we now only have an hour to cancel." Ivan asked with a knowing smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"I am sure the slut you planned to screw can find another cock to please her." Our uncle was vulgar, and it wasn't a surprise. Although if we were in the company of others, he wouldn't dare to talk of our anatomy, let alone call a woman a slut.

I ran a hand through my hair and looked around before standing. "I'll meet you all at the plane I guess. I want to make sure whoever packed my bag got everything I needed." I said seeing my uncle smile as I complied to his demands.

"You will be king Vlad. It was not my place, nor do I want to die as king."

"Who said anything about you dying Uncle? You are barely 46." Ivan said and I sighed.

"He was talking about how he doesn't want to be waiting until he is old for me to look for my mate and be king you Колкость (twit)." I said slapping the back of his head as I walked past.

"Then why do we all have to find our mates? Vlad has an obligation. We don't. We aren't the first born." Luka asked almost politely while glaring at our uncle.

Enforcer to Queen (Formerly: Vladimir The Moroz Brothers Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now