| Chapter 3 |

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"Nghh... Staaarr, nuuuu.." you whine under your covers as you felt them being torn away from your half-sleeping figure.

"C'mon, [Y/n] we have school~!!"

"No. You have school," you retort while glaring daggers at her even though she wouldn't see it while you continue tugging at your sheets. With one last tug, the cozy blankets were completely off making you squint your eyes to adjust with blaring rays of the sun seeping through the windows. You groan then finally sat up, yawning in the process.

"Well, since you're already up, you have no choice!" she grins then proceeded skipping to the bathroom to change. You sighed in defeat while rubbing the back of your neck. "Well I might as well change too..."

| Time Skipz ~(OwO~) |

Lastly, you put on your lace-up flats and walk towards the mirror

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Lastly, you put on your lace-up flats and walk towards the mirror. You observe yourself on the glass furniture from head to toe. You wore a high neckline lace blouse and a black tulle skirt. ^^outfit above^^ You decided to let your (h/c) hair down that cascaded behind your back/shoulders/waist. Proud of your work  you happily spin in a circle, giggling all the while. While enjoying your little fiasco, you heard the door open.

"Star, [Y/n]. I made you guys some nachos," Marco announces, his head peeking in the door frame.

"Oh, Marco! Good morning!" you greeted with a wave. The brunette waved back but stopped to look at your chosen outfit. "W-woah. Uh what's with the formal attire?" he asks, slightly gawking at you while trying his best to make the small tint of pink fade from his cheeks.

"Hm this? This is what I usually wear back in the kingdom," you explain while toying with the hem of your skirt out of habit.

"Well, it looks nice on you," he smiled then placed the bowl of nachos on a nearby table.

"Aw thank you!" you chirped, popping a nacho in your mouth. Your eyes widen from the nacho's goody goodness as the taste still lingers on your tongue by the time you swallowed. "T-this is amazing!! You did this?!"

"The one and only," he confidently says, pride evident on his features.

"Heya, lovebirds!!" Star exclaims making you whip your head to see her slouching on the door frame, already in her casual outfit, wiggling her eyebrows nonstop.

"Lovebirds?!" the brunette repeated the word like it sounded so foreign to him. While you on the other hand continue munching on the delicious nachos.

"Be careful, [Y/n]. You might stain your blouse"

"Oh this old thing? I can always make another one," you respond then shrugged your shoulders.

"Y-you made that?!" both the blonde and brunette ask in unison earning another shrug from you. "Haven't I told you? We make our own clothes with Arachnee's finest silk," you explain.

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