Childhood Memories

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You and Niall were both in Ireland so you could meet at the spot. When you get there you see Niall hanging down from the tree like a monkey and it always made you laugh. "This better be important!" "Remember the last time I told you it was a 911?" You act like you can't remember while you gaze across the field.

You haven't been her in over 2 years and it just all seemed different. The tree got taller, the flowers changed colors, and it seemed more empty, but you still loved it.

"Listen we need to talk." "What are you doing, breaking up with me?" You ask jokingly. "Piper this is serious!" You were a little scared, you've never seen Niall this serious outside of music. "What is it Niall? Is everything okay?" "No, no it's not."

After a few minutes of silence you finally talk, "Niall what is it, what's the big emergency?"

"Piper listen we've been friends since we were kids, out moms were friends since they were kids. I mean our family's spend almost every holiday together." You interrupted him "Niall where is this going?" "Let me finish. We know almost everything about each other." He paused for a moment, I guess for dramatic effects.

"Listen Piper, what I'm trying to say is...will you go out with me?" You face flushes to a whole new shade of red, and all the bad thoughts go through your mind.

"Niall...I...I just don't think it's right." Ask you talk your voice cracks and you want to just climb to the very top of the tree and scream at the top of your lungs.

You saying this makes Niall break down a little, "Why?" He says trying not to cry. "Because your fans." "But they ship Piper, have you been on twitter lately?" "Yes I have and I've seen the tweets, but I know that's not all your fans. I'm scared they won't think they're good enough and they'll harm themselves." You start to cry a little after saying that. Niall knew the though of someone self harming got to you in a deep way because you lost one of your best friends,one you considered a sister, through self harm.

"No my fans aren't like that, they would never!" "HOW DO YOU KNOW, YOU'VE NEVER MET THEM ALL, YOU DON'T KNOW THEM ALL!!" You start yelling,crying, and breaking down. Right now your glad the paparazzi don't know about this spot, the thought of them seeing this and everyone else- including your fans- seeing this would kill you.

Niall sits down next to you and pats your back. "It's ok I'm here for you." He pushes the boyfriend topic to the side for a while until you stop crying. "So Piper what do you think? Just let me take you on one date." You grab his shirt and lean on his chest and you both start to lay down in the grass. "Just please promise you won't hurt me or your fans." His kisses you cheeks and slowly says the words "I promise."

Childhood MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now