200 Entertaining Things

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DON'T SKIP THIS BECAUSE I KNOW YOU WERE GONNA DO IT. Sooo, I'm making a fun jokebook for fun. Like I said. Fun. ANYWAY! I take this from @niallerzprincezzz. YEAH SHE ROCKS, SOO... YAH. She has a joke book with 900K+ reads :P and so I decided to make my own jokebook for fun. Fun for the fourth time. :) CORRECTION: Inspired by Catie. :)) I LOVE ALL OF YA AND YEAH

So this page is dedicated to @HarryStyles2183 BECAUSE they were my 400th follower and I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! XX 

Teenage Post:

Cool things always happen when I don't have a camera. WHY?!

Dear math, stop making me try to find your ex. She isn't coming back, get over it.

I'm aware that I used that last teenage post in my joint account. :P @the_london_fangurls

BYE BYE NOW, LOVE FROM: @Perrie22 <3


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