02: Drowning

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The waves of the water kept dragging me down. I struggled to catch my breath as the monster of the sea kept draining every last bit of energy that I had; it choked me. My punches grew weary and I vividly remember the feeling. I remember gasping for air and the chill accompanied by the cold and dark waters.

I can still recognize the sensation brought on by the salt water burning holes through my lungs. I can taste the desperation within me clinging onto the hope for another breath of air because I couldn't comprehend why the rough gulps I had been swallowing didn't lead me to safety.

The panic and the fear sets in. The realization that I'm underwater and there isn't a drop of freedom down here kicks in. I know I'm not thinking straight, but I can't help myself. I keep drinking this deathlike poison unable to stop because it's all I can grasp in this frozen anxiety.

Therefore as the terror ceaselessly pulls me back, I kick and try to uproot myself back to the shore. I can't scream. I cannot fathom any ability to call for help and trying becomes a wasted effort as it so often is. I'm left there drowning with this weight on my legs wondering if I'll ever be so fortunate enough to taste fresh air again.

(Reading this out loud to actual people next week, wish me luck!)

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