chapter 2

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" OK see u at school" I say as I run out side to Tyler to tell him I'm not ridding with him "hey ty I'm gonna ride my Harley."

He looks over and see's Kyle coming out of the house and he yells at him "why does she get to ride her motorcycle."

"Because it's her bike, any way aunt Teagin said she would buy you a new car next year." Kyle says

Tyler groans and says "But thats a year away."

" Besides I have to make a good impression" I say while getting on my bike and reving the bike "later boys."

And I'm off. I love the feeling of the wind in my hair. Before I know it I'm at the school.

As I pull in the parking lot I get stares and whispers. I smile to my self oh yeah this is definitely going to be a good year.

                                                  *                          *                             *  

    I park my motercycle and walk in the school I keep getting a lot of stares from people. Really I can't belive no one remembered me I mean come on people I was gone for only a month and obiosly summer brake plus really didn't change that much. But then again I wasn't very popular and I didn't have many friends. Lets just hope that lacy doesn't remember me.

   I continue to walk ignoring the stares and whispers and walk to the front office to get my timetable.

" Hi I'm Lena, I'm here to get my timetable." I say to mrs. Banks. Yep I remember her, we did not get along very well. Lets just say it might have something to do with a screw driver and a chair. That chair just so happen to belong to mrs. Banks ,oops. I still remember her face when she fell, ha priceless. I smile at the memory and look at her, she's looking at me with a strange expression almost as if she were trying to remember who I was.

 " I'm sorry but you look very familiar, do I know you fom somewhere." she asked. Oh crap I really don't want any one to know who I am. I want a new start, so I play it off like I have never seen her before.

"No I don't think so, I just moved here a couple days ago, maybe you thinking of someone else." I say with a smile. I can tell she was gonna ask another question but decided not to ask and went to get my time table.

"Here you go lena have a good day." she said with a smile.

" Thank you, you too." And with that I'm off to my locker. No ones really here they must be in the cafe' . So I took the time to check out my classes.

         Hour One: Mrs.Hayers - Math

         Hour Two: Mr. Banes- Language Arts

         Hour Three: Health- Mrs. Jones

         Hour Four: Art - Mrs. Stweart

         Hour Four: Lunch

         Hour Five: Science- Mr. White

         Hour Six: P.E.- Mr. Ohla  

         Hour Seven- Social Studdies- Mrs. Janes

     Hmm I really don't remember these teacher but then again I'm am in a different grade this year. Last year I was in ninth grade. But in the second trimester my parents died, we got adopted and they lived by this school so we could still go here, they couldn't take care of us we left and went with our aunt and we finished the last trimester and began the first trimester at a different school, she found a new job here bada bing badaboom and thats how we got here. So were the 'new kids' at school starting the second trimester here and noone remembers us... well me....I'm not sure if they remember Tyler and Kyle.

    The bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. Then kids started to trickel out of the cafe'. Well better get to class. I walk to mrs. hayers class. No ones in here just me and the teacher.

    "Um.. hi I'm lena and I'm new here, also I'm kinda shy so please don't make me introduce myself infront of the class." Please I am NOT shy, I just don't like being the center of attion.

    "Welcome lena and don't worry you don't have to introduce yourself if you don't want to." she said with a smile.

    "Thank you, oh and where do i sit?" I ask using the most inocent voice I could mask.

     " No problem, lets see you can sit in the middle row in the third seat." she says

    "Okay, thanks," I answer back. I find my seat and it just so happens to be in the middle of the class room. So much for not being the center of attion. And now I am LITTERLY in the center of attion. I look up at the teacher and i see a small smirk play on her lips sometimes I swear teachers do this on perpos just to get under our skin. Well I think I just found my first victim to prank. Ahh I'll get her back I always get my revenge.

     Just then kids start comming in and sat down in their desks. RING, the late bell sounds, the door opens and someone walks in, I look up and see....

(A/N ahhhhhh cliffhanger, who do you think walked in the classroom? Will anyone remember her? Whats her next prank gonna be? BYE MY WOLFLINGS <3)

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