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c a l u m

It was Friday and Riley and I still haven't started our English project.

I was starting to get worried that it would never get done, considering that we would always get distracted whenever we tried to meet up to work on it. But I hadn't actually hung out with her all week except for the few times I had given her a ride home from school.

Mickey had been in my mind ever since we stopped by the music store on Monday. Her ocean blue eyes were stunning and they were the kinds that you could easily get lost into. Were they as stunning as Riley's? Probably not.

I had come to a conclusion that Mickey was just another crush and nothing serious, but I couldn't stop thinking about her for some odd reason. Maybe it was the way she subtly told me that Riley and I were a good couple. Maybe it was the way she handled my bass with such care, like she knew how much it meant to me. Either way, there was no denying that she was beautiful.

But nothing could ever compare to Riley.

Music was just another outlet of escape for me. From the reality of this boring life that I lived and the girl that I had utterly no chance with. Sometimes I would just sit in my room for hours at night when I couldn't sleep and play random chords on my guitar to see which melody sounded the best. Sometimes I could even add lyrics. My short songs were usually related to love and loss, but there were a few that I had written that were specifically for her.

I haven't spoken to Luke since the incident on Monday. We steered clear of each other in the hallways and it seemed like we were putting extra effort into not running into each other. I don't know how Riley stands him, he's quite a prick.

I was currently sitting in English on a Friday afternoon watching her and the Devil giggle and whisper to each other in the back of the classroom. Mr. Thomson clearly didn't have the balls to separate them and it was really getting on my nerves. It killed me knowing that he was joking around with her right in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it without causing a scene.

Once again, Luke Hemmings knew what he was doing. That sly little shit.

As class droned on my elbow proceeded to slip closer and closer to the edge of the desk, threatening for me to faceplant onto the cold hard desk. I wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep and watch Netflix by myself.

The bell finally rang after what felt like days, but when it did I sprinted out of the room and decided to skip next period. I couldn't control the yawns that were escaping my mouth every thirty seconds and my eyelids drooped so low that I had to struggle to keep them open.

Without saying a word to Riley or Luke--I had lost sight of them in the crowd--I hurried out of school before any teachers could catch me leave. The cool winter air hit me like a wall and I was certainly awake now. All I was praying for now was that I didn't fall asleep behind the wheel.

When my car turned into the driveway and I killed the engine, I slumped down in my seat in exhaustion. I gave myself time to think about what was going on between me and Riley and what it meant.

She was with Luke, that much was known. Luke obviously cared a lot about her--but not more than I did. But I had known Riley longer, and we knew each other better than I knew the back of my hand.

Riley would be mine. I would be Riley's. Luke Hemmings was not going to ruin it for me this time.


r i l e y

My hickey finally disappeared after a solid week of school. I blame Luke for having such a skilled tongue.

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