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r i l e y

Someone knocked on the door a few minutes after Calum passed out, and I had to crack the door open to see who it was before allowing them in.

"Riley," Ashton hissed, giving me the evil eye. Michael stood by his side, looking like a frightened puppy.

"What?" I snapped, not meaning to sound as harsh as I did.

"Luke's downstairs and he's drunk off his ass. Go help him. You know it's his fault for not following my rules!"

I looked at the snoring Calum behind me and gave Ashton a sympathetic look. "But I have Calum here and he's passed out. I need to look after him to make sure--"

"We'll take care of him," Michael interrupted, walking past me and sitting on the edge of the bed. Ashton followed behind him reluctantly, making me smirk. "Just go find Luke."

I huffed in annoyance before nodding, leaving the three of them alone and walking back downstairs to join the party once more. It was close to eleven, and most people were full blown drunk and high.

I searched the entire first floor for a familiar mop of blonde hair, but to no avail. I checked the back porch, which was surprisingly empty, except for one person.

"Luke?" I called out, and the figure turned around, staring at me emotionlessly. His eyes were red and he looked dazed. "How many drinks have you had?"

Luke stumbled towards me and I tried to keep him upright before he fell on his face. "Only, like, two," he mumbled, resting his forehead on the top of my head.

"Oh, really?" I asked, smirking to myself. "Sit."

I led him to a bench and forced him to sit, even though he was stubborn and bratty when he was drunk. When I finally got him on his ass, he buried his face in his hands.

"What am I going to do?" he wailed suddenly, and I looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly, not wanting people to come outside and see where all the noise was coming from.

Luke looked up at me sadly. "The girl I love hates me, and she loves someone else who probably has a longer dick than I do!"

A part of my heart was aching while another part of my heart told me to laugh. "Luke, sweetie..."

"Do you think she loves me?" he asked suddenly, and I wanted so badly to hug him and tell him Yes, she does.

"I think she does, just not in the way that you want her to," I answered honestly, placing a hand over his.

He covered his face with his hands once again, groaning. "It's me isn't it? I'm a fuckup. Who would be in love with someone who always gets himself into shit and--"

"Stop," I interrupted. "Look, just because she doesn't love you in that way does not mean that it has anything to do with your personality or who you are. One day you're going to find a girl who's name sends chills down your spine and who you can truly be yourself around, and when you find her you have to hold on to her, understand?"

Luke stayed quiet for a long time, and I was getting worried that he had fallen asleep. He finally looked back up at me with tired eyes and said, "But what if I already found her?"


c a l u m

As soon as I woke up my head felt like it was pounding against my skull. I don't remember a single thing from the night before except being invited to a Christmas party at Derek's house at the last minute. He didn't mention anything about alcohol, but I found tonight as my night to finally let loose after ages of keeping myself bottled up.

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