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a/n: welp, you guys wanted a sequel, so let's begin

also, the story takes place right after tyler called off the wedding with Jasmine

•Y/n's POV•

He took my hand, and walked beside me down the sidewalk that surrounded the church. Some people were leaving, and heading out to their cars, but neither of us acknowledged that. We just continued to walk and hold hands.

We were reaching the other side of the church, and Tyler, who was probably tired of walking, led me over to a bench, where he sat down. I sat next him, and he leaned forward, his arms resting on his legs.

"I'm sorry," he finally spoke, his voice filling the windy air.

"What for?" I asked, turning towards him.

"Everything. For thinking someone could ever replace you... Im sorry," he said again, looking at me with a sad look on his eyes.

"Tyler, it's okay," I assured him, wrapping my arms around him.

After a few minutes of just sitting on the bench, Tyler stood up. I stood up beside him.

"We should go home, it's getting dark," he put out his hand again, and I nodded as I put my hand in his.

We walked back to the front of the church.

"Shoot," Tyler muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I came with my family, they probably thought I was going with you or something."

"Well, my parents probably thought I went with you," I replied.

"How are we gonna get home?"

I looked around the parking lot, hoping to find someone we knew. Luckily, I spotted a boy with bright red hair, and immediately knew it was Josh. I could see Mackenzie following behind him.

"Josh!" I exclaimed, grabbing Tyler's arm and running over to Josh.

"Whoa, what's up?" He asked.

"Tyler and I kinda need a ride home," I said.

"Sure," Josh replied, and got in the front seat of the car, while Mackenzie was going on the passengers side. Tyler and I both sat in the back.

"I'm kinda scared to go home now," Tyler said.

"Why?" Mackenzie asked, turning around to face us.

"I'm scared my parents are gonna be mad at me. I just walked out on my own wedding," he said.

"Well, my parents might be a bit mad too. I'm the one who kinda ruined it," I commented.

"I'm glad you did though," Tyler smiled, and quickly kissed my cheek.

"I always knew you two would end up back together. You're just perfect for each other," Mackenzie smiled, looking at the both of us.

"Well, you are perfect," Tyler smiled, turning towards me.

"Stop flirting," I laughed, playfully pushing him away from me.

"Ouch," he yelped, rubbing his arms.

"You guys are the worst people to drive with," Josh laughed.

"We know," Tyler stated.

Eventually we arrived at our houses, and I got out of the car.

"Thanks for the drive, Josh," Tyler said getting out.

"No problem."

"See ya later, Jackal," Tyler said, referring to Mackenzie.

"See ya."

I waved to Josh and Mackenzie, and began to walk towards my house.

"I'm gonna go home, I'll text you, okay?" Tyler said, walking in the opposite direction.

"Sure. Bye Tyler!" I smiled.

"Bye buttercup!" He exclaimed, and began walking faster towards his house.

I opened my front door, and walked inside. I headed over to the kitchen, where I assumed my parents were sitting.

"There you are," my mom said, looking towards me. "Did you come home with Tyler?"

"Yeah. Josh gave us a drive home," I replied.

"Anyways, what was that all about? At the wedding?" she asked, obviously referring to how I told Tyler he couldn't marry Jasmine.

"I know Tyler. He didn't want to marry her," I responded quietly.

"Wouldn't he have told Jasmine himself if he didn't want to marry her?" My dad chimed in. (WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF)

"Are you saying I shouldn't have done that?" I replied, getting a bit annoyed.

"It wasn't a good idea," my mom said firmly.

"Yes it was!" I exclaimed defensively. "He wasn't happy with her!"

I angrily stormed off into my room, slamming the door behind me.

Forever And Always// Tyler Joseph X Reader [Sequel to buttercup]Where stories live. Discover now