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•Y/n's POV•

It was a few days after I went to my parents house. Mackenzie kept trying to convince me to go to some restaurant with her and Josh, but I wasn't completely up for it. She said she would pay and all, but I still didn't want her to do that for me.

"Please, just come! You need to get out of the apartment," she pleaded, looking at me desperately.

"Fine," I finally gave in after her begging for the past few minutes.

"Good," she smiled. "Let's go," and she began walking to the front door.

"Wait," I said quickly, and she turned around. "Tyler won't be there.. will he?" I asked nervously. Her eyes widened, and instead of answering me, she quickly opened the front door, grabbed my hand, and pulled me outside.

"Mack! He's not gonna be there, is he?" I asked again as she pulled me down the stairs with her. I followed her to the car involuntarily, being that her hand was holding my wrist the entire time. I got in the passengers side as she got in the drivers seat.

"We're gonna pick up Josh first," she told me, and I nodded. She still didn't answer my question.


Once we picked up Josh, I tried asking him if he knew anything about what we were doing, but he just said 'no' as Mackenzie stayed silent. I was getting a bit suspicious of both of them, and I knew something had to be up. Something that had to do with Tyler.

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, we didn't have to wait for seats or anything because Mackenzie had a reservation.

Mackenzie and Josh sat on one side of the booth, while I sat on the other. I looked around, wondering what they could possibly be planning. I turned around, and saw Tyler sitting in the booth right behind me. He was facing me, and my eyes completely widened. Jasmine was sitting on the other side of Tyler,  her back facing me so she couldn't see I was there. I turned back around, and now Jasmine and I were sitting back to back. Only thing was, she had no idea.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, a ton of confusion in my voice.

"Shh!" Josh whispered. "Don't let her hear you."

"You're gonna find out what really happened. Just listen to them," Mackenzie told me, and I nodded. I quickly turned around once more, and Tyler's eyes met mine for a split second. I felt a small small creep up on my face, but quickly tried to wipe it off. I sunk down in my sit a little bit, so if Jasmine were to turn around, she wouldn't see me.

Although it was hard to hear them because of all of the voices and loud noises in the restaurant, I was still able to make out what both of them were saying.

"Tyler, what do you want this time? Has it not occurred to you that I'm not gonna fix your little situation here?" Jasmine told him, a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"I don't care," I heard Tyler say. "You're not getting your way."

"Unless you get your little girlfriend to somehow get back together with you, I don't think you're getting your way," she said, and I was confused on what they were talking about. Did Jasmine do something?

"No, you're going to tell her what you did. You're going to fix this," Tyler demanded, and I could tell from his voice that he was angry. When he's mad, his voice is usually more firm.

Forever And Always// Tyler Joseph X Reader [Sequel to buttercup]Where stories live. Discover now