•Y/n's POV•

We had just arrived back to the hotel from getting lunch. We were both just sitting on the edge of the bed, both quiet until I spoke up.

"I'm sorry for this," I stated bluntly, staring down at my shoes as I kicked my legs back and forth.

"What for?" Tyler asked, and I looked up towards him.

"You know, getting you into this whole thing. Running away, sneaking out... I don't like it. But it's too late, and I'm sorry," I explained, sighing afterwards and looking back down towards my shoes. I then felt two fingers go under my chin to lift my head up, and I was face to face with those bright brown eyes.

"Hey," he whispered with a smile. "I said I would do anything for you. Don't apologize."

"I wish we were 16 again. When we were allowed to be together whenever we wanted, and when my parents used to love you so much. I miss that," I stated. "Now they don't want us together at all."

"It doesn't matter what they say," he said, his eyes looking into mine. "This love is ours."

I smiled, moving in closer so I could lay my head on his chest.

"What's that word again? The one stronger than just 'love'?" I asked.

"In love," he confirmed, repeating the same answer I had given him a while back.

"Tyler, I'm in love with you," I smiled.

"I'm in love with you too," he giggled.


We were in the car, on our way back home. To be completely honest, I was scared. My parents were going to be furious, and they kinda had a good reason to. I mean, I did sneak out without communicating with them at all. I guess they would have every right to be mad at me.

"So," Tyler spoke up, interrupting my thoughts, "I have to start work tomorrow."

"You got a job?" I questioned.

"Yup, at that coffee shop. Not very excited, but I need the money," he explained.

"I'll make sure to visit you on your first day!" I assured him.

"Thanks, I guess now I won't be completely alone," he laughed, running a hand through  his hair.

Soon enough, we arrived home and Tyler parked his car in the driveway. I stepped out of the car and walked around it, stopping in front of Tyler.

"I'm scared," I admitted, looking up into his eyes.

"It's okay." He took a step closer. "They cant split us apart."

I smiled and quickly leaned towards his face to kiss his cheek, and then gave him a small wave as I began to walk back towards my house. He waved back as he made his way to his front door.

I opened my front door, ready to face my parents.

Once I stepped inside, I was immediately met with both of my parents relieved, yet still angry expressions.

"I assume you already know that we have a lot to talk about," my mom stated firmly. I only nodded in response.

"Why would you leave in the middle of the night without telling either of us? We were worried," she asked.

Forever And Always// Tyler Joseph X Reader [Sequel to buttercup]Where stories live. Discover now