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I wake up sprawled on the couch. I don't remember falling asleep.

"Maddie, wake up! It's Monday!" Olly yells from the bathroom.

"Oh crap!" I jump up and take a quick shower. By the time I'm ready, Olly is at the door waiting for me.

"Have you ever been on time before?"

"Not yet," I sigh.

I'd only had this job for about a month. And almost always I've been a couple minutes late no matter what I tried. 

"I don't know how I'm always so late!" I say stepping into the car.

"It's cause you just like to sleep too much." Olly retorts with a grin. 

I reach over and whack him a little. Suddenly my phone rings. It's my mother. 

"Who is it?" He asks merging lanes. 

I consider lying for a moment and letting it go to voice mail but Olly glances over and sees it. 

"You can't avoid her forever you know." He says softly.

"I know it's just that, it's hard for me to talk to her anymore. Every time I do it's like I ruined her life because I left. But she was the one who basically put me on house arrest for my life." I watch the call stop. They leave a voicemail. 

"At least listen to the voicemail if you aren't going to answer the call." 

I open my voicemail box. There're also multiple other ones from her. She must've called last night or this morning. 

"Hi, this is Dr. Gustin. I've called to inform you about your mother. She had a mental breakdown and tried reaching out to you. You didn't respond right away, so she wanted to go out and see you and got in her car. Her mental state was not suitable for driving and got in a horrible car accident. She is currently in the emergency room and we are trying to do the best we can to keep her alive. We suggest that you would come and see her as to keep her last bit of mentality sane. Sorry for the inconvenience."  and the line beeps off. 

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Maddie." Olly says reaching out for my hand. 

"It's all my fault. I didn't talk to her and I caused her to go insane." 

"Hey," Olly says pulling over. "Don't talk like that, okay? It's not your fault."

"But it is! I avoided her, and now she's dying and I can't do anything about it!"

"How about we head home and call in a sick day. Wouldn't that be nice?"

I silently nod a little, my eyes welling with tears. I was mad at her because she wasn't ok and I was her last lifeline. And I just left and now she's dying. 

What did I do?

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