He's stable

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Chapter ten
    A few more days had gone by and Sabine was in the lobby of the hospital. She still hadn't heard much about how Ezra was doing or if he was even still alive. Mira was staying with Kanan and Hera. For the first few days it was fun to stay with them and play with Dawn all day. But she was a smart little girl. She knew that her daddy should be home by now. She also hadn't seen her mom for almost a week except for the fist time they went to see her. She was getting worried about her parents and wanted to see them. "Hera?" Mira asked. "What is it sweetheart?" Hera answered as she got down to Mira's level. "Can we go see mommy and daddy?" Hera got a concerned look on her face and then said, "I don't know. I think we'd better stay here." Mira looked down trying to hide the fact that she was about to cry. "But I miss them." Hera could hear her little voice cracking up now. She hugged Mira and said, "I know you do! I miss them too! But your daddy is still being taken care of and your mommy wants to be there for him." Mira wiped a tear from her eye and then said, "I know, but why can't I be there for him?" Hera felt terrible keeping Mira away from her family for so long, "I don't know. How about I call your mommy and ask her if you can come and see her? Would that be good?" Mira was rubbing her eye with the back of her hand as she nodded. Then Hera called Sabine and told her what was happening. Sabine was sad that Mira wasn't doing well and wanted to see her too.

    Hera took Mira to see Sabine at the hospital. "Mommy! Mommy!" Mira yelled as she ran into Sabine's arms. "Mira, my girl! I missed you!" Sabine said as she picked her up. "Is daddy here yet?" Mira asked. Sabine hesitated. "No, baby, he's not. The medics are still taking care of him." Mira's smile of excitement faded and she looked down. "Aww, sweetheart I'm sorry. I haven't seen him either." Sabine said. Mira looked back up and said, "It's ok. It's not your fault."
"Sabine Bridger." A voice called. Sabine looked over to where the voice had come from. There was a medic standing in a doorway holding a data pad in her arms. Hera came to take Mira to go sit down. As Sabine walked over to the woman her stomach twisted with nervousness. What if the news wasn't good? What if they'd lost him? What would she do without him? When Sabine got to the woman she said to Sabine, "Your husband is stable." Sabine felt like the weight of the Galaxy had been lifted off her shoulders. The woman continued, "We have given him a prosthetic arm. However it may take a few days before he can use it properly." Sabine didn't care that it only took a few days. She wanted this lady to stop talking so that she could go and see Ezra. But she continued, "He lost a lot of blood and nearly went into a coma. I'm sorry to say that he may not remember you." All of the joy in Sabine's heart was drained by that one sentence. The woman glanced over at Mira who was playing with Hera and then said, "or your child. I'm not saying he won't but I want you to prepare yourself that his memory may it all be there. And if it is, then everything should be fine." Sabine hoped with every bit of herself that he'd be ok. That he'd remember her, Mira, everyone and everything they ever did. "Would you like to see him?" The woman asked. Sabine looked up and said, "Yes! Of course." She looked back at Mira. "You may want to wait a little while and explain things to her before she sees him." The woman said. Sabine looked back and nodded. The. She followed her through some hallways and finally got to the room where Ezra was. When she got in the room she couldn't believe it was really him. He was looking better than she'd expected. She walked quietly over to him and took his hand. She looked at his face, he looked so tired so beaten up. The nurse left her alone with him. Sabine glanced over at his robotic arm. It would take some getting used to but she didn't care, she just wanted him to wake up so she could see his face light up with his beautiful eyes.

A/N YAY!! They can see Ezra now!! Ok now I'm sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm going on vacation next Friday (schools out!) so I'll have plenty of time to write then!  I hope you like seeing how Ezra's family is handling everything. It's obviously hard for everyone but things seem to be turning up! By the time you read this I'll already have another chapter up! You're welcome! Love y'all!

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