You're Good Enough

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Chapter Twenty-One
The next day came and they got ready to leave for Kronest the next day. Mira had it in her little head that the baby would be born exactly when they got there so she feverishly packed her stuff and ran into her parents room. "I'm ready! Hurry or we won't get there in time!" Mira exclaimed. Sabine and Ezra looked at each other. "In time for what?" Sabine asked. "The baby! If we don't go now the baby will come too soon." She ran and grabbed Sabine's arm and started pulling her towards the door. "Let's go!" Ezra laughed as he went over to Mira to stop her. "No Mira, it's ok, we have enough time. The baby still isn't coming for a few more weeks. Ok calm down." Mira let go of Sabine's arm, "What? Then why are we going now?" Sabine smiled and got down to Mira's eye level. "Because we just want to get there early. Ok? That's all." Mira nodded, "Ok."

The day went by just as quickly as it had come and before they knew it they were on their way to Kronest. Ezra looked over at Sabine. She looked sad. He looked back at Mira who was sleeping in her seat. He looked back at Sabine, "Bine? You ok?" He asked. She closed her eyes and nodded her head. Then she took a breath and looked at him and said, "This would have been the time for him to be alive." She was thinking of her father. Ezra got sad too. He always blamed himself for everything. It was just the way he was. But he felt like he could have been there to stop Maul. Or he should have force pushed the saber out of the way. It was too late now. And he knew Sabine didn't like it when he blamed himself. "'s ok. I know it's hard. I do, believe me. But it'll be ok. And whether you think so or not, he's still here. And he'll see this baby. Ok?" Sabine caught herself trying not to cry and Ezra could see it. He got up and held her. A few tears ran down her face but she held it together.

Soon they came out of hyperspace and landed at Sabine's home. They were welcomed by Ursa and a few other Mandalorians. They got to their rooms, unpacked and settled down. Sabine was feeling tired so she went to bed early.

Later after Mira had gone to sleep Ezra was talking with Ursa. "You know, I have to admit." Ursa started. "When I first saw you I didn't see much. Just a young boy, the way you talked about and defended Sabine gave away the fact that you liked her." Ezra laughed a little, "You could tell?" Ursa nodded. "Oh yes, I could indeed. You'd be surprised. When Mira gets older you'll be able to tell which ones like her. Trust me" Ezra laughed again. "So I'm curious," Ursa started. "When Sabine first told you she was pregnant..what did you think?" Ezra looked away and took a breath as though he were trying to look into the past. "Oh man, *smiles* I um..I really don't know. I was of course happy, I really wasn't expecting it but I just uh..I was happy and I couldn't wait. But honestly I was a little scared." Ursa smiled. Then Ezra said, "I'm sorry we didn't tell you about her." "Yeah, well..things were different then. It made sense not to tell us. We never held anything against you." She assured him. "When Sabine first told me you two got married I was honestly shocked. I never got to see a lot in you before so naturally I thought you weren't good enough for her. But, I also remember when she called me and told me about your arm. You might think it's not the big deal now but it was. I know you would give your life for anyone you love, and I'm happy that Sabine has someone like you. I wouldn't want her with anyone else." Ezra smiled and thanked her. "It's getting late, I should probably get to bed." Ezra said. "Yeah. Ok, goodnight. And thank you for everything you've done for Sabine." Ezra nodded and went down the hall to their room. When he opened the door he tried to be quiet walking in but Sabine woke up anyway. "Ezra?" He stopped and turned to her, "Hey, sorry I woke you. You can go back to sleep." "No it's ok, I was already awake." She replied. "Wait, why?" Ezra asked. "Ugh, it's nothing, the baby just won't go to sleep; being kinda uncooperative, so I can't sleep." She said. "Aw, I'm sorry," Ezra said as he crawled into bed with Sabine. He gently put one hand on he stomach and tried to make her relax a little soon they were both alseep.

A/N OMG!!!! It's been so fricken long since I updated and I'm so sorry. Holy crap it's probably been like a month. Gosh. Ok there's probably gonna be a lot of "time skips" slash flash forwards in the next few chapters. Just cause I want her that have this freakin baby already. So yea. As always, let me know why you thought and I'll see you later. Byeeeeee!!!

Btw, the title of this one applies to EVERYONE!!! You are good enough no matter what! (Even if you don't lose an arm😂)

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