The Watch_Dog

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(Chicago) It had been almost three years after the CTOS incident in Chicago. Electricninja remembered hearing about it in the news after leaving the X-Men. "I knew the incident was bad. But you'd think they wouldn't install in another city." Cortana, 'Ninja's AI from the UNSC, says cautiously. "I heard this version is more protected." 'Ninja replied. "Don't think that just because a failed system has a few new upgrades, that it'll be better than the previous version." "Let's talk about this later." It took them awhile, but they finally managed to find the mutant he and his new team of X-Men was looking for. Cortana gave him the info from his phone. "From what Iron Man got, his name is Techno. Hacker and technician. Apparently, he was a former Initiates, but left due to hacking into Abstergo's data and got caught. A year later, he helped another hacker, Aiden Pierce, when some psycho hacked into the city and causing the digital hell. With his skills, we might be able to find the other mutants we need." "And hack into the Helix system for more info on other memories in the past." 'Ninja sees Techno walk down the alley, he looked behind and back. As soon as he got to the dead end, Electricninja swung down to meet mutant hacker. "What the hell?" He says when he noticed the hero. "Funny." Ninja said. "Most people like you see me, they run. Then I would catch 'em just to talk to them." "I mean, if I tried to kill the other heroes during a civil war and caused a black hole...." He says. "Point taken." "What're you doing here in Chicago?" Electricninja had hoped he ask that question. "We've started our own X-Men, and we need some recruitments, and with Charles Xavier missing, we need someone to help Iron Man with some tech to find some of those recruitment." Techno looks in his phone. "Well, can't you have the Saints do that for you? Since you know the gang's leader." Electricninja knew he had made the right choice of finding him. "You know, the Saints are good, but not X-Men good. Besides, imagine the Saints going against someone like Magneto, Mr. Sinister, or even Stark's Avengers. Even with the reputation they have, they wouldn't stand a chance. Though what we're going to be fighting is something way bigger than most of the problems on the planet." The look on Techno's face was interesting. He had a concerned look. Electricninja knew this would be good sign. "I guess you caught me there." "So, how 'bout it, Techno? How would you like to join the soon-gonna-be-new X-Men?" It took some time, then Techno turned back at Electricninja. "Where do I start?" "Maine." "What're we doin' there?" The two mutants started walking towards the car. Electricninja replied "There's an old friend we have to find." "I see? When was the last time you saw this friend?" Electricninja gave a sad look, "Last time I saw her was before M-Day. Fortunately, she still has her powers." Techno then understood who they were looking for. "Interesting. Well, you've convinced me. I'm in." But then something was brought in Electricninja's mind. "Oh, and I almost forgot....." He tossed him a crystal chip. "What is it?" Techno asked. "A data crystal chip. My AI will show you some inventions that is ways beyond the stuff you would make." Techno didn't believe the hero at first. "Oh, really? These inventions are more advanced than this?" Techno takes out his phone and causes a junction box to explode. Fortunately, Cortana warned Electricninja. The ninja jumped back, it was obvious that he's testing him making sure if he was actually the real deal. Techno takes out a pistol and began firing. Luckily, thanks to Iron Man, Electricninja pulled out a hardlight shield. This amazed Techno. "Interesting...." He says. "But not good enough." He then somehow disrupted Electricninja's comms, causing a loud white noise to go off in his ear. The shield went down and the hacker ran up to the hero. Knowing the shield wouldn't hold for long, 'Ninja took out a smoke bomb and threw it towards Techno. The smoke lost his concentration. "Wait, how the hell...." Before the smoke cleared, Electricninja runs towards Techno. The smoke now cleared, and Techno sees him, and starts shooting. After running out of ammo, Techno released that the hero was a hologram. Thinking he fled the scene, Techno packs his stuff and heads out. Until Electricninja jumped down when he used the thruster pack. But something else happened, right before he rammed Techno, he takes out a retractable adamantium tactical baton and slams it against the ninja's face. They both hit the ground hard. Electricninja gets up rubbing his bruised cheek and helped Techno up, "You good?" The hacker was breathless. "It's an option...." 'Ninja helped him out of the alleyway, Techno was amazed at the tech he's new friend used and asked, "So how the hell did you get that stuff?" "Eh, it's a long story. Remind me later and I'll tell ya." The hero looked to see if there was a taxi near by, "Think you can get us a taxi?" "Who needs a taxi?" Techno scuffs. He goes into his phone. "Tell me." 'Ninja asked. "How can you hack the way you do?" "Eh, just a fundamental weakness to the city called ctOS. Let's me and my friend control everything in the Chicago." Techno then takes out his phone. "I then decided to make a little portable version of it if I ever needed to leave the city." "Smart...." 'Ninja says. A few minutes later, a car pulls by. A man comes out, "Can't believe you're back. And sane. Name's Aidan, Aidan Pierce. Good to have you back to the world of the living." "Good to be back." "Think you can handle Chicago without me?" Techno asked. "Don't worry about me, kid. You're better off living your life with what's left of you people rather me anyways. Good luck out there." Techno and Electricninja gets into the car. They drove to the Black Bird. "So where in Maine is this mutant?" 'Ninja shrugged. "I dunno. That's why we need you." "Well, that figures." "Just before she left, she said would be living in the woods. Training her mutant powers. They arrived to the Black Bird just time. The two get in as Cortana start up the jet. Cortana's avatar pops up and gives Techno a nasty look, "Never mess with our comms ever again." Techno makes a gestures of crossing his chest. "Cross my heart." He then turns to Electricninja. "So when we do get to your place, how wide of the radar do you want it to be." He gave it a thought. "Well, I've always wanted to meet people from different countries. So, make it worldwide." "Got it." "Best you relax, boys...." Cortana says. "It's gonna be a long ride."

                                                                                          Who's Next?

                                                                                     To Be Continued.....

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