The Rising Phoenix

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(Northern Maine) "Sorry, I had my earbuds in. Who's this chick again?" Techno ask Electricninja for what might have been the hundredth time as they walked through the woods. Ninja signed deeply, "For the millionth time, Techno. Her name is Carrie White. She's a mutant that has telekinesis and a small amount of telepathy. She was one of the original X-Teen members other than me, Iron Man, Blackitten, and Hulk Jr. She's also is the only person we know who's telekinesis and telepathy is as strong as Jean Grey and Charles Xavier. Well, before M-Day." "Wait, you mean we don't know if she still has her powers?" Ninja grinned. "Oh, she still has her powers. It's a matter of if she's still training her powers or not. Because her's came from vengeance...." It took them awhile, but they managed to find an old cabin in the woods. Multiple signs saying "STAY OUT" or "GO AWAY". Obviously, this made no effect to the two heroes. "This must be it." 'Ninja says. "After you." Techno replies. Electricninja steps up towards the cabin door. He knocks on it. No answer. "Maybe she's not home?" Techno said. "But where would she go?" So the ninja knocked again. Still no answer. 'Ninja had a bad feeling. "Something's not right." He prepared himself to kick the door open. But something happened. The door blew off its hinges, as if some explosion had occurred. 'Ninja holds ever so tightly to the door. In mid-air, Electricninja jumps from the door, landing right next to Techno, who had quickly assembled a railgun he saw in the files Cortana showed him. "What the hell was that?!?" Techno yells. Then someone walks out of the cabin. 'Ninja smiled. "That, Techno.... Was Carrie White...."

Carrie had looked slightly different from the last time Electricninja saw her. She still had that beautiful, long, strawberry-blonde hair. She must been training her powers since M-Day if she was able to blow her door open. She walks up to Electricninja calmly. "Carrie!" 'Ninja happily. "It's so good to see you agai-" But before he could finish his sentence, Carrie slaps him on the same spot Techno hit him with his baton. "Ahh! What the hell, Carrie?!" Carrie was truly upset to see him. "You dissappeared for four month! Where the hell were you?!" It then occurred to Electricninja that she must've heard about the situation with RAGE trying to kill everyone during the war. "Oh.... Yeah.... About that." Carrie gives a very angry look at him. "I'm listening." "Would you believe me if I said...." "Don't." Carrie stops him before he says another word. Carrie walks up to him and places her hand to his forehand. "I'll just take a look and see for myself." It took awhile, but after she started to see events like when 'Ninja and the Master Chief discovered the Flood on the Halo Installation 04. She also witnessed the. She came back from seeing his mind. "Doug...." She says softly. "I.... I didn't know...." She knew he wasn't lying. She sighs deeply. She looks up at the darkened clouds and walks back to her cabin. "It's about to rain. You guys want some tea?" She says as she reassembles the cabin back together. Techno helps 'Ninja back up to his feet, "She's definitely your type." "Yeah, especially when we had a thing in the past."

It started to pour down hard as Techno walks into the cabin after Electricninja, there nothing but a small TV, a single bed, a sink, a loveseat, a chair that looked like it was going to collapse at any second, and an oven. "Nice place?" Techno says as he puts down the duffle bag. "Place a piece of shit." Carrie says. She then looks around. "But, it's all I got." Carrie puts 'Ninja on the loveseat and sits right next to him, she noticed he was bleeding a bit, so she check out his cheek. "If you didn't know already, I'm Carrie White." Techno carefully takes seat on the chair. "Techno. So you're the one who basically destroyed Chamberlain?" Carrie looks down and sighs. "Pretty much." There was a short pause until Carrie tries to unmask Doug. "Here, take off your mask and let me see. Unless...." Carrie looks at Techno. "Don't worry." He says as he takes out his phone. "I already know." Douglas takes off his mask and his bruise was worse than she thought when there was a small cut. Techno was surprised. "Man, I actually feel bad now for whacking you with my baton." Carrie looked back. "You what?" "Long story, don't ask." Doug interrupted. Carrie uses her telekinesis to give Techno a damp towel. "Clean the wound for me? I'm gonna get some ice to numb his cheek so that I can stitch it." Techno took the towel and wiped the blood off Doug's cheek. Through the cool touch gave Doug a sharp pain to his cheek. "Ah. Christ!" "Language..." Carrie shouts as she heads towards the door. "Yeah, yeah." Doug says. Carrie steps outside with a little plastic bag and focused on the rain. Suddenly, small ice cubes began to fall into the bag. "This should be enough." She comes back and sits next to Doug again. "Alright, just keep this on the wound. It's not that bad. Definitely doesn't need any stitches." She then bandages Douglas and gives him a peck on the forehead. "There, all better. Knowing you, it'll be gone by tomorrow morning. Carrie levitates her remote and turns on the TV. It wasn't the best quality, but it was enough to watch the news. "So...." Carrie says. "Is there a reason you two came here? Other than getting punched in the face." Doug and Techno look at each then nodded. "Right, after the institute was attacked by Abstergo Industries, we've decided made a new team of X-Men." Carrie didn't seem so surprised. "And you want me to join? Who else is in this 'new team of X-Men'?" She asked. "Well," Doug says. "Right now, it's me, Techno here, Blackitten, Alexa, who has told me she's now donning the Scarlet Spider mantle, and Iron Man, oh yeah, Iron Boy finally became an Iron Man." "Since when?" "Since Stark became director of SHIELD apparently." "Makes sense. So you really don't know anything that happened after the fight in the Negative Zone?" Doug shakes his head, "Nothing. Like I said, I was teleported to outer space. Next thing I know, I woke up at a starship, 500 years in the future." Carrie was surprised. "So RAGE really preserved you? At least we know how powerful he can be." "Heh, you have no idea...." Doug says. Then he remembered someone, "Oh, and this is Cortana." Douglas shows his TACPAD (a hand-held tactical database system for Cortana and Electricninja to use for analyzing and displaying combat information) revealing Cortana as her avatar. "So you're Carrie White? I would of thought you would be more religious." "Yeah, I was. Until I met him, Xavier, and the X-Teen." Carrie replies, elbowing Douglas. Cortana looks back at him and says. "She's definitely your type." "That's what I said." Techno butts in. Douglas blushed a bit. "Anyways...." He says changing the subject. "About a month ago, Xavier's was attacked by Abstergo Industries." "What?!" Carrie gasped. "That's not all, we weren't the only ones attacked." Carrie asks. "Who were the others that got attacked?" "Glad you asked." Doug has Cortana pull up a hologram of three other locations. Techno continues, "There's been report showing that not only the Institute, but also SHIELD, the Baxter Building, even both Avengers being attacked by Abstergo. Even though they all failed, it seems a bit suspicious that they didn't take any information or something." Then Cortana pulls up a document. "When Doug and I was in Abstergo Entertainment, I managed to find document which states that there's gonna be a secret attack on every superhuman and what's left of mutantkind on the planet. It's called: Project Purge." Cortana also pulls up photos of weapons that seem very lethal. Probably enough to take down an Asgardian like Thor. "I'm guessing they're very high-quality on their military?" Doug nodded. Cortana keeps going. "They're only prototypes for now. There use to be a facility working on it in Steelport by the Morningstars." "Until the Saints took it down." Doug says. "Yeah, I remember how it went, it was me, Shaundi, and Oleg. When we found out what it was, it turned out to be a trap. Then like five minutes later, we walked out without a scratch." "Really? Not one scratch?" "Nope. It was kind of like... Hold on... Kind of like.... Dammit, it'll come to me." "Getting back to the situation, shouldn't we ask Tony for help?" Carrie asked. Techno answered for Doug. "SHIELD already knows Abstergo projects." "But I rather stay away from Stark since he doesn't know that I'm back" Carrie reminded them. "There's also the fact that Stark and his 'mighty' Avengers will arrest you if they do see you. And even if they wanted to help us, it would probably mean putting a bounty on Stark's head. Along with the other Avengers." Doug looked around to think. "Good point." He says. He looks out the window and sees the sun setting. "Let's talk more about it in the morning, ok?" He lays down on the couch as Carrie gets up and gives Techno a blanket. "You can sleep on the bed. I'm gonna be outside for a bit." "You sure?" Carrie nods. "I just need to think this all through." Techno nodded understanding and jumped onto her bed. Carrie heads outside, making a force field to keep her dry from the rain. She looks up at the moon, thinking of her mother.

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