i found a way to cheat Blue Whale Chalange

23 4 17

Me: Serious. I found a way to cheat it.

Broppy: How?

Me: i don't know if this count but here is the rooster of that challange

Me: i don't know if this count but here is the rooster of that challange

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Btw. I found this from Shane's video Scariest Internet Chalange

Broppy: is that Shane Dawnson?

Me: Yes. It is. Back to topic. Check the lowest part. It says jump kf a building

Broppy: So?

Me: it never says we can't use safety stuff. So in Mocow (i forget the name) there is a realy high tower. In a season in Running Man. They jump of as a bugee jumping. To finish the game. We should go there and try do the Bugee jumping one. So we basicly finished the chalange alive.

Broppy: Well that have a good point

Me: Think that in school

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