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Mister, why are you so harsh?
I've never heard anything from you but a bark.
Not one 'Thank you'.
Not one 'Please'.
Words always seem to leave your mouth with hints of displease.

You consider yourself the boss.
You think you can do no wrong, that you have no flaws.
But I know you, I see through your facade.
You believe your words are law.

Arrogant, selfish and rude you are.
Somehow you find a way to blame everything on your troubling scars.
But your scars do not and should not determine your choices.
We scream and shout with our voices; you choose to view them as just noises.

You never listen; you've decided that you are always right, the rest are wrong.
Yet when you try to lead no one follows along.
You wonder why you're isolated and lonely; if only you'd have the balls to change, if only.

Your words hurt the most though you know?
It's always my feelings you seem to forgo.
Or I should say lack thereof.
You seem to forget I exist when you feel above.

But for now, forget the 'Please' and 'Thank you'.
I just want something fresh and new.
A little change in our lives seems overdue.
It about time you cut through.

You've mentioned change before and it's knocked on the door.
But every time it shows up; you hide, you fall to the floor.
But soon enough there won't be a chance anymore.
One apology... or a few and an attitude change would do it.
Stop being such a coward and just do it, just try to do it.

Mister hopefully I'll still be here waiting.
I'll leave if you're still translating and debating.
This being said, I really hope that you'll learn.
Or there will be no more concern, I will not return.

You make everything complicated; messy like glitter.
I don't understand why you choose to be so bitter.
Stop being such a quitter.
And just say 'Sorry' Mister.

A/N: Just another poem. Hope you enjoy! If you please, leave a comment and let me know what you thought of the poem. Thank you!!!!

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