Ch. 30

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"You watch her walk away and it hits you that she's an entire ocean and you were wrong, so very wrong, because you let her go thinking she was just a girl." -Nikita Gill

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Author's P.O.V

Time. It can heal or kill us. It goes fast that you never knew that it already passed by you. It goes slow that it's walking beside you.

Love. It's something people couldn't even explain what it is. Even the dictionary has it's own explanation of love. It can also heal us or kill us.

18 years has pass and it felt like the world hasn't changed but inside the people inside it changed; a lot. Do Yuna now owns her own restaurant. She got married to a very famous author and also film director. She has twin daughters and lives her life well. Kim Sooyoung is now a famous actress in South Korea and  has received numerous awards for her effort and hard work. She also recently got married to a famous actor too. Go Nara now is a fashion designer here in South Korea and also in Paris. She has now her own clothing line. She has dressed numerous actors and actresses not just in South Korea but also in other countries. She also got married to business man and also had a son; Choi Jinwoo.

Jihan? Well, ever since Suji left he focused himself on his swimming career. He has competed here and in other countries and has received awards for his hard work. When he got into college, he focused on his studies and graduated with a degree on Business Administration. He became a famous Olympic athlete. He had won several gold medals on Olympics. He also got married to a girl whom he met at his university where he went to. He loved her so much as he would love Suji. They lived a peaceful and happy life. They had a daughter name, Park Heejin. His sister is also living a happy life with her family.

However, Jihan's wife died because of lung cancer. It totally broke his heart, having another love of his go away. He continues to live his life and raise his daughter alone.

On the other note, Suji and Suho continued their studies abroad. Suji took a degree in Music and Suho took a degree in Civil Engineering. After graduating college, they got married. A beach wedding. Before the wedding, Suji was pregnant already. 6 months after their wedding, she gave birth to baby boy. She named him, Haejin. Suji continued her medication abroad and got better. However, the doctors couldn't guarantee the time of her life. They said that she could suddenly die in a snap because of her heart growing weaker.

Suji's P.O.V

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded.

After an 14 hour flight, they have landed on South Korea. "Mom! We're here!" Haneul said.

"Yes, we are!" I said.

We got out from the airport. We got into the car drove to my mom's home. My mom and my brother was there to greet us. Suho's parents was also there. They were all happy to see Haejin. "Mom!" I said and gave my mom a hug. Mom and Suho's mom prepared the most delicious food. We got together in the dining table and ate together. "So, how's abroad Suji?" Mrs. Yeon asked.

"It's all fine." I said.

"That's good. I hope you had time for yourself there." she said.

"Ah! Suho! I heard that your batch in high school is going to have a reunion next week." my brother said.

"Reunion?" I asked.

"Ah, yes! Yuna called me one time. She asked me if we could attend to our batch reunion." Suho answered.

"She called you?" I asked.

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