Chapter Four

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    The bite on my arm healed completely within a few days and I was back on my feet again. Maya came home from work one night with a bag of groceries from the market and we sat down and ate dinner. "Finally, bread that isn't expired," I said through a mouthful.

    "Manners, Nat," she said, but she was smiling. "I'm happy that you're well again. Please, be more careful next time you're training with Kane. You know he's crazy."

    I saluted her. "Aye, aye."

    When Maya finished, I took her plate and mine to the sink to wash them. As I was scrubbing with the dish rag, I let my mind wander. If Kane helped us become the perfect team, then would we really be able to defeat Dimitri? Kane was powerful and experienced, but not as much as Dimitri. If the two were to go head on, there was no doubt that Kane would lose.

    "So," Maya said, helping me out by drying the two plates. "Are you and Derek friends now?"

    "I'm not sure. All I know is that we're not out to get each other anymore. There are more important people to kill than each other, so I think it's just mutual respect."

    She nodded as she dried off the last plate and placed it inside the cupboard. "I'm going to Kyle's tomorrow after work. Are you going to be okay sleeping alone? Or, would you rather have me bring him here?"

    "Go to his house," I told her. "Nothing personal, but I don't enjoy having other humans in here." Even having Chloe in my room made me uncomfortable.

    I felt the need to protect my secret as if I were protecting my life. Humans, especially town's folk, could not know that I was a vampire. Word would spread faster than a plague, and they would shun me. The town and my sister were all I had. I could not lose any of them.

    "That's alright. You know, if you and Derek started dating, then maybe we could double sometime..."

    With a start, my eyes widened. "What did you say?"

    "Oh please, even a blind man could see that you two were meant to be. Out of the two of us, you were always the one who hated Derek the most; you didn't even completely hate Joseph. It was always Derek who had your attention, he was always the one you were so willing to beat up," she told me.

    "Is Kane's insanity rubbing off on you? Derek hated my guts just a few days ago, okay? And how would you know? You're always at work, so you don't see anything. We are partners now, which means mutual respect; nothing else." I said, utterly confused. I was never an expert on love, and I only got along with boys because I was so much like them. I lacked feminine qualities. I was never one for skipping or picking flowers, I liked to punch things and work on bikes. Never had I ever dated a boy, because it felt weird to me. I preferred being competition to a guy, rather than be seen as a love interest or a girlfriend.

    She shook her head. "No, unlike you, I actually know a thing or two about love. Trust me on this."

    "You're ridiculous. I'm going to bed."

    I awoke the next day, feeling entirely refreshed and ready for what the day had in store for me. Again, I found a note taped to my door, but it was not from Maya. It was written by Kane, in his unmistakable handwriting.

    Natalie, today is another training day. Come to my house at four. I will be waiting.

    "Sweet," I said to myself. "I just hope he doesn't command another dead vampire to kill me this time."

    I turned on my phone to check the time. 2:17 in the afternoon. Darn it. Now, how do I kill two hours in a boring place like this? Although a small town was convenient and cozy, it sure was awfully dull, with little means of entertainment. Our only movie theatre was demolished because it was not making enough money. Playgrounds were also nonexistent because they became old and dangerous to the kids.

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