The Endless Mind Reading

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Chapter Two: The Endless Mind Reading

Celeste gave a small sniffle as she laid on her bed, her knees pulled towards her chin and her back bent so she looked like a small ball. She felt and looked extremely pathetic like that, but she was too tired at the moment to care. She sighed softly, turning to roll so she could lay on her back, forcing herself out of the ball so she could stare up at the ceiling. Today was Sunday which meant tomorrow was Monday which also meant that she had school tomorrow. She had already missed Friday and as much as her parents said they loved her, they would not allow her to miss anymore.

The rule made no sense to her whatsoever. The only thing she could see herself doing tomorrow at school would be whimpering and pining for the company of Neville. Then she'll realized that she will never have the company of him again, she'll more than likely go into the bathroom and cry for a few minutes. Her friends would probably try to comfort her, and she'd just end up getting angry at them and turning away to do it all over again. Maybe she could just ditch. She wasn't too sure about that idea. She hadn't really ditched since Neville had gotten sick and she had ended up leaving school to take care of him.

Celeste's thin lips turned up in a smile at the memory, remembering that day quite clearly. It had been in the middle of sophomore year - so at this current time around two years ago - and Neville had somehow gotten the flu. It was rather unexpected since the boy never got sick, let alone miss any type of school. He had called her during lunch asking what was happening and how she was doing before complaining on how terrible he felt with this illness. Celeste just told him to wait there and be ready to answer the door before she hung up and walked out of the school like it wasn't a problem. The school authorities didn't seem like they exactly cared. Why would they? At Greycliff High School everyone ditched at one time or another - it didn't matter who you were you had to have skipped school at one point - and no one of a higher position cared to control the students at the school. It wasn't like there would be anyway to stop the kids from leaving anyway.

After Celeste left the school, the first thing she did was walked towards Neville's house. He didn't live far, probably only six or seven minutes away; so it didn't take her too long to get there. She had knocked on the door pretty loudly so the boy couldn't dare say he didn't hear her from his room upstairs. It took him all about thirty seconds to rush downstairs to open the door, confused as to who could possible be here in the middle of the day. When he saw it was Celeste, he gave a lopsided grin before rolling his blue-green eyes. "What are you doing here, short stuff? Shouldn't you be at school? You already get lousy grades as it is," he told her, making a motion for her to come in.

Celeste hit his arm lightly with her fist, walking into his house. "Oh, shut up you. First of all, I'm not much shorter than you are. I mean, we're only like five inches difference," she said, wrinkling her nose at the nickname. Short stuff was what he used to call her back in middle school when she actually was short. Now she was five foot seven and he was six foot. She was only a bit shorter than he was, yet he continued to use the same nickname in weird little scenarios like this. "And second of all, I maintain a C-average in all of my classes and I only have a D in math because the Ms. Fatass obviously hates me," she responded, smiling up at him. "Now let me be a good person and take care of my sick friend."

Neville had laughed at her words. His laugh was the same as normal - light, carefree, and exceptionally happy - except for the slight hint of a cough that threatened to interrupt him. "Watch the vulgar language. I don't like it," he teased lightly, closing the door behind the two of them. He allowed a cough to escape him, turning slightly away so he didn't get his sickness on Celeste. "But you are going to take care of me? Now my recovery will be prolonged and I'll more than likely die with your help. Thank you, Celeste, I always knew you would be the death of me," he said kindly, shaking his head.

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