september1st my first day back at school was amazing but back in july me and lilly-mae had a huge fight and we now hate each other. i met a girl called latasha noyce who i got along with so well we are now really close friends.anyway the first lesson waspe which was so boring. i knew from then this was going to be a fun new year.
October 31st this year for my pumpkin i considered doing slimier as the pumpkin i bought was green. sadly the pumpkin had started to turn orange so instead i did Frankenstein with bolts in the sides of his head.tricker treating was rubbish around my house as hardly anyone was doing sweets. this one house we knocked the door and a group of young kids pushed us out the way so the man came to the door and gave them some sweets and two other kids money when he ran out of sweets when we walked over and he shut the door on my hand then opens it pushed my hand away from his house and shut the door. i was so annoyed at him so i crushed his pumpkin and walked away with no sweets in my bag.