Chapter 1

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Jonathan had told Will about wanting to get him and his friends out of town for a couple of days, after everything that had happened. Will didn't believe him when he got told that his mom had said yes. Will was ecstatic about the whole thing. Unfortunately, Dustin and Lucas couldn't go with the rest of the gang. They had caught the flu that had been going around the town. Secretly, Will actually loved this, he got to share his very own tent with his biggest crush. Will knew he liked boys, even before the whole "Upside down" situation. When he learned what everyone did to find him while he was gone, especially his mom and Eleven, or "El" as Mike called her. He felt loved. But Will wanted a different kind of love, something he hopes to have with Mike someday.

Will sometimes thinks he's a bit obsessive when it comes to his crush on Mike, but he can't help it. He just loves the way Mike looks. In the morning after a sleepover, his messy hair and cute pj's. At school when Mike is wearing his "good clothes" as his mother calls them. He loves how handsome he looks. Just any day really. Those deep brown eyes, Will could be swallowed up by them like an abyss. His freckles that dot his face. He's heard Mike say awful things about his face many times, but Will just wants to reassure him that he is beautiful. But he can't. Liking boys is wrong. He's supposed to like girls like his Dad said. He didn't like being called a faggot or fag, by anyone. At least he had his friends when it came to those slurs.

Right now they were on their way to a certain spot located a few hours away from town. They're in Steve Harrington's vehicle. It was a type of station wagon, Will didn't know which type though. He knew it was red, and he liked red. Steve was driving, while Mike's sister Nancy was in the passenger seat. In the back there was Will and Mike. Oh and Jonathan sitting between them, smiling like a goofball as he read from a map. Will thinks Jonathan is more excited than he is, himself.

"So, when's the next turn Jon?" Steve had asked, breaking away from a conversation he was having with Nancy. Both Will and Mike thought it was weird that Steve had given Jonathan a nickname. But Will didn't mind as long as Jonathan didn't mind.

"Just a few more miles. I told you, when you see the big rock that looks like your hair, that's when you make a left." Jonathan said with a smirk.

"Oh, hah, hah." Steve gave a chuckle while shaking his head a little.

"Good one, Byers" Nancy had spoke up, laughing along with her two "friends". Then, to Will's surprise, Mike spoke up.

"Hey, don't steal mine and Will's thing. Get your own." Mike said it as a joke, but part of Will was thinking there was more to it. Jonathan and Nancy gave each other a smirking glance through the rear-view mirror. No one noticed it though.

"Okay Mike, you can have it" She smirked "If you beat me and 'Byers' in a game of chicken at the lake later on" Nancy laid it on thick with that Byers. Will gave a quirky smile while he looked to the side, at Mike, but Mike looked like had just stepped on Holly's hand.

"Mike? What's wrong?" Will asked. He looked bummed out all of a sudden. He had to know why.

Mike sighed before giving his answer "I forgot my swim trunks..." Will giggled "Hey! don't laugh, I was really looking forward to the lake!" Mike was becoming flustered with a flash of red on his cheeks. Will just thought it was hilarious that his best friend looked so sad because he forgot some trunks.

"You're right, Mike. I shouldn't laugh. I'm sorry for your loss" Will snickered, letting it out after grinning.

"Hey! don't make me come over there Byers!" Will loved it when Mike smiled, like he is now. Nancy chimed back in.

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